I got these tickets for free
On Friday morning, I got a message telling me that I’ve got mail in my red mailbox. I was kinda blurred and didn’t bother much about it even though this reader of mine(sorry can’t tell you who this reader is, I promise not to expose the identity of this reader) tried to explain to me. I even forgotten that I have a red mailbox downstair When I sent my bro to school, I saw something in the mailbox, I took it out, it’s an envelope with two movie passes! It’s hand delivered summore on Thursday night. My early b’day gift? Hehehehe…
Thank you very very much! Geee… I got free stuffs! Wow… I thought only those popular bloggers will have the privilege of getting free stuffs LOL… This is consider my first though it’s not from some sort of companies that need the blogger to review their stuffs. I actually got my 1st gift from my reader WOW! Thanks again. It’s supposed to be for me and my sis
but then I invited Jimmy LOL… Don’t think she would want to go.
Two RM5 passes. There were RM3 ones but limited to 500 tickets and it’s sold out long time ago. It’s a 3-day event with all kind of activities from band performace to Celcom roadshow to free ice cream for children below 12 to jungle treasure hunt to the movie screening. There were 3 movies each day.
Here’s the excerpts of the event from their offical website:
Experiencing our outdoor screening event in open air! After month of planning, the “Tri-Generations Movie Carnival” event going to held on 18-20th of August 2006. This will be a very interesting event where everyday have special program and Jungle Treasure Hunt. Great prices will be given away. So bring your family, friends and your love once to watch movies under the stars with lovely environment.
I went there on Friday evening and decided no to watch it on that day. Just went there to take some pictures.
Since we couldn’t made it on Saturday, so we decided to go today and intended to watch one movie only. We reached there before 7pm and parked behind Civic Center because there weren’t proper/legal parking spaces near it. The nearest was across the road, Civic Center.
The things there were quite overpriced! Dare not to buy much things except black soya bean drink and “longan” drink for RM2 each. Should had brought my junk food along eheheh… Everyone was sitting on the floor. Some found used boxes and spreaded them on the floor to be more comfortable. The floor was rough and hard… awww… butt painful
Left: View of the ppl, ah well… Too dark can’t get any nice photos.
Right: Jungle Treasur Hunt! What? Looking for brown envelopes on, in front and the back of the stage called Jungle Treaure Hunt? That’s the jungle? LOL… I didn’t join, so lazy to get up and risk getting my place seated by people.
I changed places more than 3 times to get fresher air. Damn!! Really can’t stand those smokers! Puffing non stop! I know they have the roght to smoke coz it’s not air-conditioned place but it really annoyed me. OIII! YOU DON’T WANT TO LIVE, I STIL WANT! INHALLING SECOND HAND SMOKE IS WORST THAN SMOKING! Though found a place where lucky enough that no one smoke behind me or next or in front of me but the smoke from rows behind me or from further away actually being blown here! Grrrr… I had to use tissue to cover my nose. Oh… got mosquito bit me too luckily only one.
So I watched Garfield 2 that started at 7.15pm and ended around 8.30pm. Then I left that place to go somewhere else for late dinner. Not intended to stay there till the final movie that most probably would end at 1am. Too uncomfortable. Pretty torturing experience.
What the xxxx that
you called that “Tri-Generations Movie Carnival”!!??!!? For the kids, for the parents for the grandparents!! Sigh… ask the old people to sit down like that it’s way too cruel and torturing. Poor grandpas and grandmas. Even young people like me couldn’t stand sitting like that, I was pretty restless that time, kept changing my sitting position to get a comfortable position but too bad… None! How do you expect those old folks to be able to stand it?
So.. that’s the end of my experience watching outdoor movie. Thanks for the tickets again!! I don’t blame you for the discomfort, don’t worry. Heheheh…