TADA! I finally did it! Hahaha… First vlog!
It was done in an impromptu manner. I did one last month but it was horrible 😅 still a long way to go… Better start somewhere rather than thinking too much about it. I’m still thinking whether to do it in English or Mandarin. Maybe a mix of both.
If you’re wondering, I’m just using Huawei Nova 2 Lite for recording; Samsung Galaxy Tab 2S for editing with Filmigo app. At first, I was editing it on the computer but man… It’s hard work, my eyes really couldn’t stand it, so tedious. It’s much easier to use a mobile device but this also means it’s very basic, can’t do anything too complicated. However, if I’m gonna take vlogging seriously, eventually I need to use a computer for better editing 😂 which also means I need a new laptop and camera 🤔 don’t think it will be any time soon hahaha…
My target is to be able to talk without NG-ing for at least 45 secs 😅 then there won’t be much editing required. I did 6 takes on this video. Editing is a bitch 😅 worst if with a computer hahaha…
I’ve also set up a new channel on YouTube just to post all my vlogs in. Just click on my video to visit the channel.
Anyway, I’m not sure when will the second video be up. We’ll see how it goes…
P/S: Pardon my Engrish 😂 should be “Haircut” and “new hair” should be “new hairstyle”.