Continue on from Part 1 after a long break about this trip… Goodness… I really can’t find the time and energy to do updates like I used to
We headed to Dataran Lang aka Eagle Square after lunch to see the famous statue of the eagle in Langkawi.
Seriously… At the entrance, there’s this annoying Milo jingle which stuck in your head. It took us quite awhile to figure out and we just laughing it away but it’s no longer funny when it repeat non-stop and making you nuts!
Jetty Point not far away where you can enjoy duty free shopping. The prices are the same as at the airport.
The statue area was packed with people trying to take photo with the eagle -.-” It was extremely hot too. Managed to take some photos and then we left to the beach.
Pantai Cenang, lovely sunset but hmm… The beach wasn’t as nice as I expected. Put too high expectations.
Time for dinner. Our dinner was rather late, if not mistaken it was 10pm+. Before that we went shopping around Cenang area. One thing for sure, no bargain allowed, no matter how you sweet talk them, the price will remain.
Left: We ended up Telaga Seafood Restaurant.
Right: Crab stir fried with chili sauce, very spicy! RM8/100gm.
Left: Telaga “3S’ Style fish dish. Not sure what fish is this and the price too, we just ordered ;p 3S stands for sweet, spicy, and sour.
Right: One of the fried rice ordered by our travel mate which I don’t remember what. They have a variety of fried rice which ranged between RM6.50-RM20.
Left: Kailan Oyster Sauce (RM7)
Right: Tom Yam Seafood Soup (RM18)
Overall, the food was just so-so. It did blow our budget for the day too.
That’s it for part 2, hopefully part 3 will come real soon. Wonder how long it will take me to complete writing about this trip?