We were grouped into two groups to prepare for our dinner. Khoon How, LeeLing, Audrey. Lee and Hui Yee went to buy some food from nearby seafood restaurants but who knows… too many people were dining at both restaurants. One would took the cook more than 1 hour to prepare our fried rice so they decided to try their luck somewhere else. They needed to wait for 30 minutes for our fried rice at the second restaurant. So at the end, they bought plain rice back.
Ann, Jee, Jimmy and I stayed back to prepare for the steamboat session. Actually only Jee and Jimmy did all the preparations. *BLEK* Not to mention, we wrapped the smoke detector with the shower cap!!! We thought of using condom to wrap it hehehe… but then why waste? Or no one bring any I think… and resorted to use shower cap.
Please note that we were not supposed to cook in there! Gosssh… I hope I’m not teaching you guys something bad here and I hope the resort won’t sue me. We are very considerate bunch, we cleaned up everything carefully after that.
After all of them came back, our session started. Out of curiosity, we checked the kettle to see how many electricity it used, we were worried that the power outlet in there couldn’t support our electrical steamboat and would blow the fuse… if this happened, we’re in big trouble! Upon checking, YAY! It’s 2000Watt! Our steamboat only uses 1500Watt! Phew…
We couldn’t finish our food! We had five rounds of cooking going on, each round with different ingredients but after the fourth round, everyone was full. So the last one was left there in the pot to cool and to be disposed in the morning.
Man… the leftovers really stinks!!! Lee opened the cover of the pot before we prepared to sleep after arranging the beds to accomodate 9 of us in a room that was meant for 4 people only. My first reaction… I accused Jimmy loudly of farting inside the blanket. LOL!!! Poor guy… coz it happened that I flipped the blanket the smell came out. He looked at me and said that he didn’t. Then I questioned him about the smell. Suddenly I heard the closing of the pot cover… YIKESSS… it’s the smell of the leftovers! *BLUSH* Sorry…
We all slept on and off except someone… wow… he really slept soundly! *GRIN* I couldn’t sleep well because my position was just right below the air-con and it kept blowing into my face.
We decided to wake up at 5.30am to view the sunrise but… it rained in the middle of the night heavily with thunders and lightnings too.