Posted a video on the unboxing of Ibumie Penang White Curry Mee Instant Soup Noodle with Natural Ingredients Chilli Paste last year. Here’s another Ibumie instant noodle that I bought, Ibumie Penang HarMee. In fact this video was published last year too but haven’t share it over here ;p Procrastinated too much hahaha… Anyway, feel free to check out my YouTube channel, hopefully can reach 300 subscribers this year then I’ll do my first ever YouTube giveaway
Back to the noodle, the taste is very close to the real thing. According to many friends, they said that all you need to do it is add some fresh prawns in and it’ll taste even better. If you do crave for HarMee and can’t travel to Penang, this might be the answer to satisfy your craving.