WOW! The 7th episode is up! This vlog concludes the trip I made in March to the UK.
By the way, if you would like to know about the opening time of High Commission of Malaysia, London, you can go to 3:39 to see it.
It’s the longest vlog to date hehehe… Just recording myself talking took over 2 hours. Really exhausting just to get the footage that I’m happy with. It’s still not perfect but that’s the best I can do for now. Still learning.
It took me a week to edit, at least 12 hours in total to finalize everything before publishing. you tell me vlogging is easy? I really salute those people who could publish so many vlogs in a constant manner.
Recording was done with Huawei Nova 2 Lite. Editing was exclusively done with Samsung Galaxy Tab 2S with Filmigo app.
Thank you for the support and hope you can subscribe to my channel(