My first time making batang buruk. It’s very easy. I’m unsure what it’s called in English, but the nearest translation will be “Old Bark”. I have some milk powder and Nestum left, so I’m making it. There is no exact measurement. You can customize it any way you want depending on the taste you like.
I’ve never make batang buruk because it’s quite messy to eat. I need a spoon and a bowl to eat this hahaha! Also, I usually used up the popiah skin making seaweed crisps and mini popiah. This year, I reduce the quantity of mini popiah and took some popiah skin to make this.
Nestum (Blend as fine as possible)
Milk powder (If you want more milky taste, add more milk powder)
Icing sugar (Optional. If you want it sweet, then add this)
Popiah skin
Whole egg (gently beat it)
1. Mix Nestum and milk powder and set aside. If you want it sweet, mix in the icing sugar as well.
2. Roll the popiah skin with a chopstick/straw and stick the end with the beaten egg.
3. Remove the chopstick/straw from the rolled popiah skin.
4. Cut into the shape and size of your choice.
5. Deep fry till golden in colour.
6. Coat with Nestum and milk powder mixture while it’s still warm.
7. Let cool and store in an airtight container.
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel and My Kitchen for more baking and cooking adventures.
Oh! In case you do have XiaoHongShu 小红书, feel free to follow me there at 艾艾倪 . I used Chinese (Simplified Chinese) exclusively in this account.
By the way, I just started Lemon8, feel free to follow me there at Lovebellbelle. The language used here is a mixture of English and Malay.
Only food & beverage-related topics are shared in these accounts. Hope to see you there!