This is a very basic pancake. Very simple to make. I’m sure many Malaysians or Singaporeans grew up eating this. Do you miss it? How long have you not eaten this?
The recipe I’m sharing here is without any eggs. Here’s the list of ingredients that I’ve used:
4 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp corn/tapioca flour
1-2 Tbsp sugar
Water (No measurement. I got about 350ml of batter after mixing everything. The consistency must be watery enough.)
Butter/oil for cooking
However, if you want to add an egg, it is not an issue too. Just add one egg, then reduce the water and adjust the consistency to your liking. There’s no hard rule to making this.
Lastly, have fun trying! Check out my YouTube channel and My Kitchen for more baking and cooking adventures.
Oh! In case you do have XiaoHongShu 小红书, feel free to follow me there at 艾艾倪 . The language I used on this platform is exclusively Chinese using Simplified Chinese. I only share food & beverage-related topics there. Hope to see you there!