The last day of our program. The closing ceremony.
Each uni has a representative. It’s not volunteered though ;p It’s chosen and some were reluctant to go up but at the end still went up and made a great speech! So touching, made us all so teary.
There were awards also such as the most popular, the most photogenic, the best PPT presentation, the best video presentation and so on. I did not win anything hehehe…
We got to go up the stage to get our certificate. Nice folder! Don’t even have this for my uni.
Group photo! Missing two people as their flights were early in the morning.
Left: After that, we all went to Mr. Pizza for lunch. The uni arranged it. No more cafetaria food. Then after lunch, many people left to pack to go to the train station. More people leaving. We left and to bid farewell to them at the hostel lobby. It’s was crazy! So many tears involved. Gonna miss. At least they’re from Melbourne, I’ll still have the chance to meet them Not those from Ireland though. However, if I get the chance to go to UK, one of my plans if I go back to Malaysia for good, then I’ll meet them.
Right: Impromtu dinner. I was supposed to go to the cafetaria for dinner because I didn’t manage to get back in time after accompany a friend to so last minute shopping. Ended up my buddy had to call up the others to check where they are so that I could join them for dinner. By the time I reached there, they’re almost done. Oh well… Ssambap for dinner. It’s quite expensive though.
The final night at the dorm. Many people were busy packing for the flight early in the morning or later in the afternoon. I was busy packing too so that can check out tomorrow morning (Saturday) to the hotel in the uni as my flight was on Sunday. Many were busy saying goodbye to those leaving early in the morning instead I just stayed in the room packing, shower, and sleep. Was so tired, losing steam already. I didn’t get to say goodbye to many but I’ll be meeting them anyway once I’m back in Australia except those from US and Barcelona.
It was such a big day. 3-week program was over in no time. I’m so glad I was given chance to join this program. Happy to be a part of it.
Hi Irene, happy days are here again. Have fun and relax.
Uncle Lee, yea… Must have fun and relax while I can.