So absent minded. I thought I had copied the photos to my thumbdrive for new posts but I did not. Supposed to be updating new post today.
The weather is turning quite chilly, winter coming real soon. Time sure flies. I came here during the autumn and now winter is coming my way. Some days can be quite miserable with no sun, only wind, rain or gloomy sky.
Also, WOW! In a month time, exam will be here! Goodness! I felt as if I had just started my course and now it’s ending already. Will be going to Kangaroo Island for the holiday but not confirmed yet because I haven’t pay for it due to my Paypal account. Stupid Paypal, it’s been more than a week. I did everything it asked me to do but still no respond from them. E-mail them to follow up but no respond. F*** YOU! Paypal! Make my life so difficult!
Anyway, that’s all for now, need to get the assignments out of the way before exam comes so I have time to prepare for exam. Oh… Internet is still out ;p Not gonna get a new one until some time next month. It’s a good thing too because I can concentrate in getting my assignment done without the Internet distraction hehehe…
Hi Irene, I guess it feels nice with the cool weather.
You just study hard…..exceed yours and your parents expectations….
The World is waiting for your footprints.
Good luck.
uncle lee, I don’t quite like the cold weather, hate to dress so thick and it’s cold all the time ;p I’ll do my best