I’m supposed to do update on yesterday’s wedding but so tired and there are tonnes of photos to filter. Many turned out so bad.
Anyway, I’m sure many of you already know that the trees leading to the airport opposite Premier 101 are gone weeks ago. I managed to take a picture yesterday morning when I was on my way to the wedding. You can now see Four Points from afar. Not in the photo for sure ;p The cars ahead of me blocked the view.
For those who are not local wondering where you should be looking, just look straight ahead. That’s where we used to see trees, lots of trees. Now… It’s so empty, it felt like a foreign place to me.
Just for you information, the trees were removed because of road extension and also to make new flyover. You can read more here…
Yeah! I miss those shady trees….they have to give way for development…again. Sigh.
keeman, yea…