What do you learn today? The simplest advise in life is always the hardest to follow.
Warning: This post might make you lost your appetite ;p View at your own risk!
Bought Bioglo ClearPore Deep Cleansing Mask two months back from Cosway.
Apply it after washing your face. Wait till it dries and peel it off. OMG! SO PAINFUL! It’s really painful! While peeling it, you can feel that every single thing from your pores were pulled out. If you have many facial hair, it’s advisable not to use it ;p I had to dampen it a bit with my toner to ease the peeling.
How effective? Quite effective I should say.
I saw this and I just couldn’t believe it. These are not from my nose but my cheeks! In fact I have lots of blackheads on my cheeks near to the nose and I have no idea how to get rid of them. I don’t go to do facial too. After using it, the blackhead did reduce dramatically but not much came out now. I guess they are all too deep inside and the mask couldn’t reach it anymore, all those that it could reach had been pull out already.
I took this photo with my camera’s macro mode, it’s not very clear due to the lighting and I didn’t do any setting to my camera, just point and shoot. This is the best I could get. In fact those blur parts actually got lots of them as well. GROSS eh?
eee. look like naruto ninja…
hmm.. i must say.. ouch.. and gross.. LOL! it’s effective ka? i wanna try le/
Kinda effective for me but now not that effective anymore coz they are too deep inside and not much “things” came out anymore
ha, looks like u’re wearing war paint! =p
That looks more effective than the Pore Pack thingy.
Wahhh really very effective wor! Better than going for facial and going through the pain!
cal ;p yea… let’s go war!
gette, it’s pretty effective compare to those indeed. Used those before but not that much.
Lil’ Ms Pinky, it’s really really painful with that but I don’t know how painful is facial so can’t compare
Ah, you blogged about it just in time! I’ve been looking for a “mask-type” pore cleaners like this, but no idea what to buy. It’s definitely more economical than Biore Pore Strips. As for the pain level, this should be a lot less painful than facial. They use an evil instrument that push against your skin until it feels like a sharp pin poking your skin… OUUUCHHHH!
I see see hehehe… It’s much economical indeed. You can even use it on your back if you have not so “clean” back to clear all the deadcells.
Oooohhh.. I want! How much is it?
Katherine-Lee, I don’t remember how much but it’s below RM20 or between RM20-30 if not mistaken, it was on offer that time.
i used to do it with tissues and raw egg white haha i guess now there’s a better way to do it
tzywen, ar… got such thing? *LOL* First time hear
does it help to reduce the size of your pores?? i’m thinking of getting it. a friend of mine has the catalogue. and i saw the same thing. its like RM20.50. buy 2nd bottle at RM15.50. the price not bad. if it works better than the biore pore pack, i’m up for it. =P
It’s better than that pore pack. Well, for minimizing the pore, you have do some extra job by toning once you used it and everytime after you are done cleansing your face. Since the blackheads can cause the pore to widen, so you will need time for it to minimise or you might want to try some pore minimise products to reduce the pores.
Does this pull at/tear your skin like the Biore strips?
Ruia, it’s even more painful than biore.
hi, found your web when I m trying to search for more information about Bioglo. Could only find it from Cosway website. No other information about the products from a third party.
Do u use other Bioglo products? Is it safe?
Btw, I like the name of your blog.
Hi whei, yea… It’s under Cosway. I don’t remember what other products I had used from Bioglo, I did use quite a number of them but now only left this mask, still using it. Generally I never encounter any problem using them. I bought them to try out because it was on offer.
Thanks for the compliment.
ive used it..nd it really work!! hehe
scha, the satisfaction of seeing all those dirty stuffs out of your face
Where can I buy the Bioglo ClearPore Deep Cleansing Mask?
German, you can try Ebay, I saw people list it there before. It’s not available for on the market, it’s only available from Cosway.
You can get this on eBay for 14.95 USD. Great stuff. MUCH better than Biore pore strips.
Vinochickie, thanks for sharing, yes indeed better than the pore strips.
nice, i just bought it. (:
audrey, it’s pretty good
glad that you found it suitable for you.
yes,this is soo efective. n plus can help reduce the open pore (slowly depends on different skin).
Aena, yes