Was invited by Lee to Sarawak Foundry and Engineering Industries Association’s Chinese New Year Dinner last Saturday(16.02.08) at Crown Square. This is my third year attending it. I went there for the food and to catch up with Lee *LOL* Why not!??!? Free dinner!! I didn’t care whatever is happening around, all I care was the food and catching up with my best friend. Every year, he tried to ask other friends in our group to attend but they always turn the invitation down and I’m the only one attended it hahaha… This was where I drank 3 quarter glass of Tiger beer and got allergy attack in the middle of the night! My first time drinking beer *BLEK* Good thing I was OK when I woke up.
Frankly, I think that this is a very good opportunity for all of us to attend because you don’t have to pay for the food and we can have a gathering there, kill two birds with one stone but too bad… Since he’s always looking for people to fill the table, I asked Jimmy to join last year, at least somebody could pick me up 😛 Of course, feast him with free dinner, nothing wrong 😛 Hahaha… This year he joined us too. It’s a win-win situation *LOL*
Here’s the food. Not that appetizing -.-” Lee agreed too, no hard feelings. There were Malay Datuk and Datin attending the function but there’s pork served! I thought they would standardise the menu so that no pork is served. We were quite surprise with the braised pork with bun. This is an eye opener to me, in previous functions that I attended, if there were Muslims attending, there won’t be pork served. Of course, the Datin and Datuk didn’t sit at the normal tables, they were at the VIP table with the organising committee.
Ok… I’ll briefly introduce the dishes, I’m not sure of the exact names.
Clockwise: Combination platter, noodle(forgot what it’s called :P), braised pork with bun, Broccoli and “mian jing”(don’t know what it’s called in English, it’s a type of vegetarian food, they usually use this to make vegetarian meat), steamed fish(don’t know what kind of fish), herbal chicken soup, prawn(tasted sweet, sour with hints of tomato and curry taste) with mantou, and fruit platter.
There was also cake but it’s ugly. I stole all the pictures from Jimmy’s blog hahaha… He didn’t put the cake picture up so I didn’t have it too. The food photos were taken by me but since he didn’t sent it to me, I could only steal it. 😛
Thanks for the invite Lee, you can count on me to attend it every year *LOL* Free dinner!! Who doesn’t want!??! 😛
Next time invite me too. I fetch you. 🙂
Wow.. Free dinner.. So good.. Lee paid for that table?
How you fetch me? Fly here? You pay your own flight tix hahaha…
ahlost, to be exact “tables” *LOL* Paid by his company hahaha… Not his own money.