I’m supposed to be updating something but I did some boo boo today and used up most of my time to research to find a way to fix the thing. Sigh…
Anyone looking for KL-KCH-KL Air Asia flight ticket for 25th February – 1st March 2010? I have a return ticket to let go to anyone that is interested. Bought it at RM259, it’s not promo fare, it’s normal fare so name change is allowed. If not mistaken, name change will be charged RM90. So anybody interested? I know it’s expensive but if you are desperate for it, then maybe… However, I wonder who will want?!?!
So this is the boo boo that I made. Sigh… I heard cannot refund but can I ask the bank to cancel the transaction? ;p
best of luck in trading those tickets..
cyril, now can only trade the tix, no refund, cannot cancel transaction… Sigh… Worst come to the worst, throw it away.
Why buy it in the first place? And so expensive some more.
jam, not me, it’s my aunt, she needs it. Furthermore, that’s not the thing, the thing is that it’s wrongly booked -.-” should be KCH-KL-KCH not KL-KCH-KL. If it’s correct, we don’t care but it’s wrong.