Woke up in the morning, after breakfast, we headed to the jetty to go to one of the longhouses at the area.
Was greeted with this view… Magnificent! It reminds me of my trip to NZ lake district, Queenstown.
We went with longboat powered by outboard motor. It was such a hot morning, the sun was really bright and it stung. Sunscreen, cap, and remember to cover up to avoid getting sunburn. Luckily I have a scarf and jacket with me.
The lake is so huge that there is a need for directional signboard.
My virgin longhouse experience. My first time stepping into a longhouse. It sure is an eye opener.
Handicrafts on the wall for sell.
Left: The verandah where they dry their laundry and dry peppers or paddy.
Right: Had the opportunity to visit a “pintu”(door), it just like your normal house with living area, kitchen, bathroom. The bedroom will be at the living area as you can see from the photo, those at the corner are their mattress.
Some old jars in the house and the kitchen area.
Some of them still maintain the method of cooking using firewood. We had lunch in the longhouse, all the food prepared for us was cooked with firewood.
Left: Tilapia, a must to have. It’s smoked! Oh my! It was so yummy!!
Right: Ayam pansuh (bamboo chicken) and paku.
We were also being entertained by traditional dance and served with tuak. I only had a sip of it.
A photo for the album.
We went to have a look around the village and this photo on the right is the modern longhouse which made up of mostly concrete.
After longhouse visit, we went to the waterfall. The lake water is blue/green/turquoise in colour, very beautiful.
Did a bit of hike and we reached the waterfall. Goodness me… Mosquitoes were feasting on me!! -.-” This is the lower part of the waterfall. There’s a staircase to go up to another level great for dipping. I didn’t go up though, just too lazy.
That’s about it on my Batang Ai trip. This is one activity can arrange with Aiman Batang Ai Resort & Retreat when you are there.