Haven’t talk much about what we’ve eaten in the UK. Nothing much really, nothing fancy. Mostly we cooked at home. When we were on the road, we would also buy fresh produce so that we can cook in our Airbnb. The Blackwell Ox Inn(Carlton in Cleveland, Stokesley TS9 7DJ, United Kingdom) is one of the eateries we went when we were there. One day, we decided to have Thai food, that’s why we ended up here.
This is the place my sister will go if they want to have some Asian food. I’ve never been to Thailand so I have no idea how the actual Thai food would taste. However, I would say that the food here is not so bad. Very rich in flavour that would suit many general Asian palette, not very spicy which is suitable for the Caucasians. I don’t quite remember what we ordered too ;p The photo here is green curry.
Left: Tom Yum.
Right: No idea what’s this!! Hahaha… I guess it’s coconut soup.
Left: Red curry.
Right: Pad Thai was my least favourite. It’s just weird LOL!! Doesn’t look and taste like the Pad Thai I know. More like just normal fried noddle hahaha!
Okie dokie, I have no intention to talk much or review about the food. Just to post it for my own record. If you noticed, I blogged less about food these days. Well… For food I’ve been eating daily, they can be found in my Instagram, I post more food there than this blog because it’s faster and easier. Blog needs more work and time to come out with. Do follow my Instagram for more food and my generally my daily updates.
I still have quite a number of UK trip’s posts that is still pending… Gosh… Half year already! Osaka post not even started!! Trying to churn out as fast as I can now hahaha… January is almost ending… First month of 2019 almost gone… Time sure flies when you are having fun