I’m gonna be random today. Too busy. Just a quick update on my life here.
It’s the second month of winter, it’s definitely colder than the first month. Hate winter hahaha… However, have to be thankful that the winter here isn’t that bad as winter in NZ or UK or Canada. Still I don’t like winter, too cold to do anything, it makes me all lazy. I dread to go out too. If there’s nothing that need me to be out of the house, I’ll just be staying at home. The days are miserably gloomy and wet, no snow ;p. Then again, it’s not as bad as other countries.
Currently busy with studies and also work. Lots of work to do. It’s a good thing I guess, to keep me busy but at times it’s quite stressful because everything due at the same time. If I’m doing my studies online, then I can make up my own schedule and study based on my own interests and my own pace. However, I’ve done it before so now I’m learning to be a full-time student ;p
By the way, failed the recent interview Then again, it’s a great experience as it’s not your typical interview, it was such a fun one. It’s also my very first formal interview here.
I only have less than a year here, how time flies. I really don’t want to go back so soon One year can’t experience much, some more most of the time I’m just studying. No holiday at all, will only have a long one, a pathetic one month in December and will start class again in January 2012 aih… That’s the problem joining the odd intake *LOL*
I only knew it when I’m here, there’s the normal one and the other is the odd one but it’s a good thing too because I only need to concentrate on 2 subjects for each exam period even though the study period is shorter with no holiday in between unlike the normal one, 4 subjects with many holidays. That’s a lot of work and postgrad students don’t have study break. Also, there’s no extra money to go around exploring yet.
On the other personal side of the matter, I’m still soooo screwed. I just don’t have the courage. Thought maybe drinking a bit of alcohol can lossen me up a bit to be braver but muahahahah… It got no effect on me, I guess it’s too little to take effect. I guess it’s not easy to get drunk with American Honey with ice then later I added coke into it ;p It was not intended to, I was just curious asking my friend whether I could have a sniff of it but ended up my friend offered me a drink. My very first time drinking something not stout, beer, or wine. I’ll get itchiness drinking those no matter how little they were but not this one.
All right, that’s all for now.
Hi Irene, ha ha, you don’t like the cold? How cold is it there? For us anything around 10’c is cool….
Around -5’c we say ‘its abit chilly.
But when its -28’c, it’, Holy Smoke”! Ha ha ha.
I prefer the cold than the heat, and past 2 days our temp hit 32’c! Miniskirt weather ha ha.
Hey, regret you did not do well that interview. Never mind, there’ll always be another time.
Good luck, and avoid strong drinks, ha ha.
uncle lee, yes… Don’t like cold unless I have someone to keep me warm LOL. It’s between 3-12 these days. It’s cold for me but nothing for Canada hahaha…