Special date today, 20122012.
Finally I’m done! Finally I get to attend my graduation ceremony. I almost couldn’t make it because of administrative issues -.-” If it’s not resolved, I will never get to attend this ceremony and will not have any photos of me graduating too as there is no way to obtain the regalia if I’m back home.
This is my third square head. First one I didn’t attend but I have the studio photo while the second one I missed it as I’m here in Adelaide.
Woke up 6.30am to get ready because need to beautify myself hahaha… It’s been a long time not doing full makeup, really miss it.
Had to reach there at 8.30am for registration and rehearsal. It’s a good thing I live nearby, otherwise I will have to wake up maybe at 5.30am to prepare and take the bus at 7am maybe. I guess things happen for a reason, this is one of it.
No guest for me, I was there alone. So the mirror in the toilet was my tool to help me get these photos ;p
Done with my camwhoring in the toilet, I headed out to spot familiar faces to have photos with them.
Those took the photos with me were my coursemates, colleagues, ex-housemate and friends.
Since the ceremony was only cater for international students, there’s no Australians. Majority were Asians.
For the record, let me see… Those who took photos with me are Malaysians, Chinese (China/HK), Vietnamese, German, and Indonesian.
Since it’s a working day, many couldn’t make it. Also, it’s summer break, many friends have gone back to their home countries.
There’s more photos but not in my camera, it’s in another friend’s camera. Hopefully can get it soon.
Left: My certificate with gifts from ex-housemate(card and chocolate) and my boss(graduation koala).
Right: My photo on stage, bought the prints for AUD50 for 2 copies. Rather expensive but oh well… At least I get to see my face and I don’t think I will be doing this anymore.
Left: My two certificates, one for Graduate Diploma and another for Masters. I didn’t attend my graduate diploma’s graduation as I just want to attend this one.
Right: As I said earlier about administrative issue, I spotted something amiss a week from today. I quickly approached the uni and it’s a good thing they managed to slot me in but I wouldn’t have my name in the graduation booklet as it’s printed out ages ago! It’s ok for me, no big deal. My name will appear for the one next year. I just want to attend the ceremony. I’m the sole graduate for my study, it was so cool to be the only one hehehe… Got special mention “sole graduate” when announcing my name. How nice So, I did this, wrote my own name in it since I won’t be getting the one for next year hahaha… The one before me also from Kuching, we both are the sole graduate for our study.
The ceremony ended at 11.45am. We had until 1pm to return our robe. That’s when more photo taking continue but they’re not in my camera.
That’s it. At least I get to experience my graduation ceremony of my highest education qualification in a foreign country and a formal university graduation. A once in a lifetime experience, my dream of many years had came true. Thanks to my family who support me in this journey and friends who make my life here fun and interesting. My next journey… I hope will happen soon which is also something I’ve been waiting for ages thinking that I would get it soon but it just ended with a snap of finger more than a month back. Hopefully, the hunt will be over soon.
Congratulation. Look like it is time for you to work hard.
William, thanks