There you go… Petrol price increases and even rice also increases. Last night, long queue at all the petrol stations and caused traffic jams everywhere! Sigh… We are getting poorer and poorer each day. That’s Malaysia to you. Mind to pay up you people?!?! No work until you pay. Thank you!
Went to Popwave at Petanak on Tuesday with M and Jimmy for 2-6pm session. FYI, student card will not be consider during public holidays, you will pay normal price. For this session, it’s RM20 per person including a drink and a dessert.
Talking about dessert, Popwave II owed us our desserts!! *PISS* We got our desserts here though, it melted because we didn’t bother about it when it’s sent to us
Now here I want to complain about this Popwave at Petanak. Popwave used to be a great place to sing karaoke, suitable for young and old and service WAS good. See the “WAS”?!?! Now… Not only we couldn’t find the songs that we want, many songs gone missing in the list and the song lists jumbled up.
I got quite bored and kept asking what’s the time because I left my phone at home and I don’t have a watch Anyone care too give me a watch? Hehehe…
Worst part was that, we went for 2pm session but it started late, haven’t even started even at 2.10pm(according to M’s time). We were supposed to end the session at 6pm but they cut us off at 5.50pm! HEY! 10 minutes gone, we could sing 2 more songs ok!?!? Then the ealier 10 minutes+ would allow us to sing another 2-3 more songs! Damn it! *PISS* In other word, instead of 4 hours, we got only 3 hours and 35 minutes!! It’s not worth it at all! Sigh…
I think Enter K might fare better except for its constantly-out-of-battery wireless microphones hahaha…
oh kasihan!
i never payed for a karaoke before in kch…
the last time i payed for a karaoke and it was good…but it was REDBOX…and it was few years back in kl…
i dun wanna go to those in kch…cos it looked cheap…sounds cheap…but its very expensive…
like u said…
its not worth it…
TMOT, aih.. Bopien la… It’s not like we ever live in KL, for all my life, I only live in Kuching, so cannot compare Redbox with those here. Hahaha…
different place different service..
more bigger country more competitor..
so they must do very well one..
else wat ojipala karaoke company sure hit tiok them one…
Hahaha… What to do? Too few competitors, they don’t care about their service.