After caligraphy class, we had to go to do our next mission. We need to produce a video on our assignedd location.
We need to go to somewhere quite far, if I recall correctly, it’s almost 1 hour subway ride. As usual, we took our subway from this station (left picture).
We arrived at Dongnae and started filming.
We walked to the market.
The girls from Norway and Ireland were the centre of attention throughout the market because they’re so fair and so pretty! Kept hearing 예ì˜ë‹¤ (yeppuda). It means “pretty” in Korean.
After that, got some street food. I don’t remember the food name ;p 3 for KRW1000, so cheap! It’s so yummy!
For dinner, we went to Mr. Pizza. It’s so popular here! There tagline sure makes women feel happy, “Love for Women”. According to our Korean buddy, this pizza outlet is designed with women in mind. This is the only place we found English version menu! How exciting! At least we can order something without looking like an ultimate fool ;p The salad bar provide unlimited salad for each table. Don’t remember how much to pay to be entitled for this. We did not order this but our Korean buddies said that they normally will order the salad with pizza.
Left: The interior.
Right: With 2 Korean group members
Left: Cheese sticks (KRW3900 for 4 sticks, KRW6900 for 8 sticks), oh gosh! Heavenly!! Make it even more sinful, it came with cheese sauce for dipping.
Right: Your Special, make your own pizza. Large one is KRW14600 and for the topping is KRW1500 each. If I’m not mistaken, it’s pepperoni and ham.
Left: Mr. Pizza Combo (large,KRW21500), pepperoni, bacon, mushroom, and 9 more toppings. That sure sounds a lot!
Right: Bulgogi Pizza (large, KRW20500), fusion style pizza, very straight forward ;p
We called it a night after that, was so tired. I took the leftover back and placed it under my bed’s drawer instead of the fridge because the floor was heated. In the morning, I got hot pizza for breakfast instead of stone cold pizza from the fridge. How nice! It sounds gross but seriously it’s a great way to store the leftover pizza.
By the way, since out laundry got no dryer (very weird, don’t understand), we dried our clothes on the floor and in the drawer under our bed, guess what?!?! It dried! WOW! Also, the laundry was so high-tech! We had
to scan our blood vessel to go in! However… I just found it redundant, didn’t even need to do it, I kept forgetting my password ;p there’s a staircase to go back up to the dormitory lobby area. The scannig was actually meant to avoid the guys go to the girls’ dormitory or vice versa via the lift.
That’s the end of part 2.