After the temples, we went to Fort Cornwallis at Gurney. You will learn about the history of Francis Light and so on.
We parked the car along the road which this view is just on the left.
There we went to get ourselves educated about history. I forgot all of them already, it’s a refresher course ;p Still I don’t remember much except the name Francis Light. The entrance is not free, you have to pay. It’s RM3.
Various rooms showcasing artifacts.
Left: This is the pamphlet you will get after you pay. It got all the information in there but I didn’t read. It’s still in my luggage ;p
Right: Staircase leading to… (any word you like to put)
Left: Leading to this! ;p A cannon and view of the sea.
Right: More cannon.
Left, middle: You can pose with the gun and hat. ARG! I failed! Trying to act cool but fail miserably! I should just hold the gun up, instead I tried to act cool like blowing it after shooting, CHEH CRAZY! It’s more like I’m playing some musical instrument. *LOL*
Right: The camps, they are showing you how the British set them up at the fort last time.
Lastly, this is Francis Light’s letter. See the handwriting!?!?! It’s real! It’s not fake. They stored it inside the glass displaying unit. Is this handwriting of a human? I’m sure many of you will say that it’s more like coming out from computer. *LOL* WOW! If only I can write like this.
Next up will be temple post again… Busy, busy, busy…
Oh my gosh… I love the handwriting! *LOL* You’re right, looks like computer printed with script font.
Imagine how slowly he must be writing?
*LOL* How slowly… That’s one full page of smaller a bit than A4 size of letter and it’s not only 1 page and the handwriting is soooo fine. WOW! That is going to be really really sloooooow ;p