After brunch, we went to Toy Museum. We came across it when we were hunting for breakfast. After brunch, we decided to go there since we had managed to find a place to visit. This is what happen when you don’t plan your holiday. You got no idea where to go and just roam around with no aim *LOL*
It’s the largest toy museum in the world, hmmm… Is it? In fact we did think twice of whether to go or not. If not because of the “world’s largest”, we won’t bother going. The entrance is RM10 for Malaysians, you need to show your IC. Foreigner is RM20.
There were so many to see. Let’s just let the photos do the talking. I’m lazy already ;p These are just some, I only picked photos with less reflections. If you love toys, you should pay this museum a visit.
Very nice right?
Barbies and Lau Fu Tze.
Mr. Bean, Tomb Raider, and Pirates of the Carribean.
Lord of the Rings.
Charmed, Star Wars, and Wall-E.
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, Spiderman.
Superman, don’t-know-what but nice figurines, and Shrek.
The horror corner with all the scary dolls and toys.
See the head there? Very spooky ;p and next will be Ghost Busters.
I forgot what the blue and green creature called ;p Next is the view from the entrance. Then, it’s me, I know, I know… I don’t like this photo actually hahaha… Just to show you how big the statue is.
After toy museum, we had to go back to Batu Feringghi because our friend would be picking us up to some other places further up from Batu Feringghi.
so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i go to penang, sure everyday “drag” my mum to that toy museum
got teddy bear?
prefer soft toys…
All kind of soft toys available there too, as long that it’s toys. Teddy bears… I didn’t notice *lol*
I love the Garfield collection in that museum. Really nice. Hrmm wonder when can I have a collection of my own..then 20 years from’ll be worth kazillions. hahaha…nice blog you have
Wow! There are so many interesting toys! Wish to have them all!
Sulley and Mike who then became Boo’s friends. I love the movie – Monsters Inc.
Woww.. I saw Chucky too!! yeahhh…
The musuem is worth a visit
Thanks for coming everyone.
Surely got Spawn toys there too, right??I’m a fan of Spawn. Next time if I visit Penang, I know where to go already…hehehehe!
What’s Spawn ;p *LOL* I’m lost, I thought you type prawn just now. Since you like all these thing, you will sure have to visit this place.