Pantene 3 Minute Miracle is not really a new product, it’s been around for ages. I first got it back in Malaysia as a tube(15ml) of sample. In fact this is the actual sized product just that it’s sold in 3 per pack in the market if I recall correctly. It claims to repair 3 months of damage in 3 minutes! It’s for normal to dry damaged hair.
I brought it along with me to Australia and it really impressed me the first time I used it! Instantly could feel how good the effect was. Only need 3 minutes, can use as your usual conditioner but it’s a bit too costly ;p. My hair was so much easier to manage after that and soft to touch.
When I’m here, I managed to get hold of another tube which is also a sample(but actual sized product) from Rouge Mag. Now, I’m using this second tube as my conditioner since it’s free hahaha…
One tube lasted me so many washes, lost track of how many but definitely more than 10 washes as I don’t have a lot of hair that’s why. In fact you don’t have to use a lot.
Two thumbs up from me! It’s a must-try!
Hi Irene, this Pantene seems to be quite popular here.
My wife uses it once awhile I noticed.
Hows the studies coming along?
Guess its getting cooler there now, huh?
You have fun and keep well, Lee.
Uncle Lee, oh yes… Pantene is worldwide brand. Studies so far so good, doing part-time job also, busy but it’s fulfilling. Will only be here for less than a year so gonna live everything to the fullest as I will not be returning after this unless I hit jackpot or something hahaha… Once opportunity is lost, it’ll never regain.
Yes, it’s winter now, quite cold but still not that bad, at least it doesn’t go below 3 degree ;p However, it’s ending real soon in less than 2 months. Time sure flies.
Thanks for dropping by
Have a great day ahead!