Goodness gracious… Secret Recipe is still packed with people WOW!
Saw many bloggers doing VisualDNA hehehe… So I decided to try out also after seeing so many. It’s quite accurate hehehe…
On other note, I’m planning to change my hairstyle. Hahaha… I’ve been talking about this for ages but never do anything to it except I dyed my hair last year which is the biggest change I had ever done to my hair. Hmm… I’m definitely not going to straighten my hair, this will only ask for troubles.
Hmmm… I might perm it hahaha… People will be saying that I’m crazy since I already have natural curls 😛 Actually many people ask me to perm it including my mom because my natural curls aren’t consistent, sometimes good, sometimes bad. So might as well have fixed one. *Shrug* No idea… In other words, this needs money again. I told my mom that having my hair perm is expensive, she said that I’m so stingy, that I should spend some money to groom myself. -.-”
done this quite some times ago :p
Hahaha… I see… I lost my link already 😛