Here are some photos of Christmas decorations in some places in Kuching.
THe Spring got the best decoration and this year’s giant Christmas tree is also located there.
The Christmas tree of Ten Ichi. Don’t forget to go for the promotion this month.
Tun Jugah doesn’t have much decorations.
Boulevard has a flying Santa Clause.
Crown Square got metal Christmas tree instead of the typical ones.
Not much to say in this post but to wish you a very Merry Christmas! It’s a wet wet Christmas.
Enjoy your holiday!
eee.. you got new cam ka?
Hehe.. Merry Xmas!!!
Merry Christmas
Merry ChristMas ^^
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a blessed Christmas.
Allen, mana ada new camera? It’s the same old camera that I usually used.
Merry Merry Christmas!
This year’s Xmas decor very nice. However, KL’s ones are still way nicer. Still got lots to catch up for Kuching. teehee
merry christmas, irene! =)
nice to see some real decorations up ~ catching up, slowly, but surely in years to come! =D
It’s Boxing day now! Streamyx is so slow… aih…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
boon kheng, merry christmas and happy new year to you too.
Nice decorations.
New year coming soon…