Oh… If you guys sometimes do strike up a chat session with me in Gmail and I didn’t entertain you, please don’t hate or think that I ignore you. Once I logged in my Gmail, I usually will just let it there without closing the window and not bothering to change my status in there because I’m don’t bother about the chat function hahaha… So if you did send a chat to me, I won’t know unless it happens that I go to check my mail. Just to let you know
I’m sure many of you know that Maxis 3G is here in Kuching now. Previously only Celcom, now Maxis is in. When will be DiGi turn? To promote this new service of Maxis, they have a mini exhibition at Tun Jugah. I went there yesterday night. Not sure how long it will last.
You can find out more on what 3G can do for you there.
You’ll be given a card and several brochures by the promoters when you are there. The card is for you to explore the stations at the exhibition. There are 4 stations(or 5… Forgot :P), when you are in each station, they will show you what you can do with Maxis 3G. You can play games, watch TV, monitor your home with your mobile phone and what else? Hehehe… I didn’t really pay attention to it I’m sure you can learn more from Maxis. Just to let you know that, this Maxis is not related to the Maxis that develop the game called The Sims. Hehehe… That’s one of my favourite games. However, you can play this Maxis game with Maxis 3G
Got confused already?
After station hopping, you will need to fill in your particulars in the card and then they will give you a free gift. Guess what? It’s a PEN(photo on the right)! Hahaha…
Here are some details about Maxis 3G in Kuching from The Borneo Post:
Maxis 3G is backed by Maxis high speed EDGE network which covers 69.7 per cent of Kuching. The City currently has 90.5 per cent 2G coverage, and 3G is three times faster than EDGE and six times faster than GPRS.
Kuching is now totally covered by Maxis high speed network and its coverage encompasses more than half of the city. The areas covered included Petra Jaya, Pending Industrial Area, the town centre (Padungan and commercial hub), Batu Tiga and Tabuan.
TOWN?!!?!? We are downgraded to TOWN now. Ah well…
Waiseh. You’ve changed ur layout. got shocked for a while as I normally check ur site via RSS
Nice job though…
3G.. Hmmmm. I doubt Digi will be able to get that contract. Heard it got turned down when they tried to apply for it, a year ago. Kuching now got 3G can hao lien already lah.. Hehehe..
Time to switch to Maxis (not)!
Alex, hehehe… Not really change my layout.
Hahaha… You’ll see why in the coming post. Hehehe… Switch to Maxis? Hmm… Maybe get another number *LOL* Been using my number for so long and if need to change number wah lao… That’s going to be a lot of work hahaha…
i tested the 3G wap with my nokia phone…loading the website not really different with gprs..hmmm? but try the TV channel no problem ler….video call also no problem..hmmm again? maybe my symbian opera setting problem….
whole town got coverage? bintawa and petra jaya got…. BUT…. demak laut dun have…matang dun have…most important my house here near airport also dun have…..arghhhhhh!!! not sure if airport got or not…but they says 7th miles got ler….and the station are suppose to cover 5km…
tested celcom 3G…quite good….but dunno why slow browsing when using phone browser but fast browsing at laptop by using phone as modem….maybe phone program lousy or sometime?
pretenders, hehehe… I have no idea…
Never use one before.
swt swt.. when will DiGi come up with 3G in kch? huuu…
No idea… Since Alex said they got turned down -.-“
Digi got 3G d?
Don’t have…
phew… if not have to pay for another service.
Need meh? Don’t use then no need lo… Hahaha…
lol… if dun use hw to 3G with U…
I don’t use 3G what for?
so i can see u.. .:D
wah… like that also can
of cos la… tis is technology ma…