A quick one here… We went to Langkawi Underwater World (Pantai Cenang, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah) after lunch. Entrance fee was RM30, only for those with MyKad else it’s going to be RM40.
It’s not bright in there, flash photography is not allowed and animal moves! Hence, I failed to take any decent photos. I decided to use video instead.
Here you go… Enjoy!
Hi Irene,
I didn’t know that there’s an underwater world in Langkawi. Was it a huge place and worth going?
I really love watching the penguins n the sea lion’s show. The Malay lady must be very skillfull in training the sea lions for show.
Have a bang-up day yeah?
Willie, there is. Not huge. For the price RM30, I won’t complain too much, at least we get to see animals we’ve not seen before. I’ve never been in any underwater world, this is my first. The Malay lady is very sweet looking too
Hi Irene, wow! Love the pics. I guess the place has changed a lot. My last trip there was wayyyy back in the late ’70s. But more for offshore fishing.
Glad to see there is an underwater world for visitors…
Did you go see the famous grave site of the Princess?
Anyway, where you are there are fabulous beaches too.
Have a nice day.
Hi Lee, yes, did go there, will be in the coming post. You have a nice day too!
Been to Langkawi more than 10 years ago but never been to this Underwater World. Wonder they had it then or not.
Nice Langkawi post ! I always love to see penguin wobbling around.
Ok about that “Study” to shut down Facebook tweet. That is typical government bureaucratic craps of looking busy and doing NOTHING.
Rose, no idea heheh… First time there.
Gou, penguins wobbling around are cute! As for FB, yes… They just want to make themselves looked busy lol.