YAY! Told you that I’m going to give you a surprise! So sorry that I didn’t tell you guys that it’s a sponsored meet. It was not supposed to be a sponsored one but hehehe… We manage to get some accidental(or extra should be more appropriate coz it’s to pay for the button badges Jimmy did the button badges for them) money from Advertlets
It’s not much that’s why I’m not sure want to tell you guys that it’s sponsored or semi-sponsored. I dare not to promise. We only decided to fully sponsored it after judging from the people that turned up and the things ordered. If too many, then it will be semi-sponsored. Hehehe… Hope you understand. Whatever it is, you didn’t pay for anything except your petrol so it’s all good
Here’s some of the food and drinks that we ordered. Ben ordered the most! He had his lunch there! Smart guy hahaha… He’s so happy he didn’t require to pay anything. All of you are really good boys and good girls Everyone tried to order something affordable coz all of you were very careful in your spending. That’s why at the end you do not need to pay, smart choice! If everyone ordered something expensive… Then you have to pay some money. Overall we spent about RM75.
Left: Me and PlatinumGirl Hehehe… You can’t see her face.
Middle: Alwyn and Adrian.
Right: Allen and Pazuzu.
Left: Anna, Angel(I’m sorry, didn’t get your blog address, let me know.) and Ehon.
Right: Ben and I.
Left: Anna and I.
Middle: Jimmy and I.
Last… Group photo of course!
Insert(top): Jason, what’s your URL?
Insert(bottom): Alex.
Oppsss… I forgot someone… That’s Ah Boa! The one in red in the middle.
We ended it at almost 6pm and guess who came? Kenny Sia! *LOL* However, we weren’t that sakai like gathered around him and asked for autograph or photo session with him. Hahaha… There wasn’t any celebrity treatment. In fact I left not long after that because it’s time already, time to go home for dinner. Some bloggers accompanied him until he finished his lunch! Lunch!?!?! Better say it’s dinner… It’s dinner time already. Of course, he paid for his own orders.
By the way… Notice there’re only few girls? Hehehe…
wow.. so fast got update edi. kekeke..
It’s a great pleasure to meet everyone there today and especially u. XDDDDDDDD
*curi pics curi pics*
so sorry.. i couldn’t join you all…
i’ve missed the fun
annna, hehehe… nice to meet u too :p Next time want to travel book with you hehehe…
ahlost… Don’t worry… Bigger one is coming your way…
irene kiasu fast fast update….
Yealo… What to do? No time to update tomorrow
that was really really fast!!!!!! LOL! anyway, it was really really great meeting y’all…
Nice meeting you too!
hahahha…. i look so nice in that pic with Irene. I am Ju-On 3 … wahahha.
Nice to meet you all. Will post on this blogger meet today. Do check out my post, ok ? Later ..
PG, hahah.. Ju-on… So scary. Will check your blog soon. Goshh… I’m so busy till Sunday no update!
Can someone tell me the direction to this place? I look at the food and my stomach starts to get hungry, the Nasi Lemak looks good
OMG, i need serious help here. Who has contacts for helium balloons supply in Kuching ? and pls dont ask me to call Planet Balloons. Did that and it costs a bomb, like RM3.50 for normal latex ballo0n.
Help me pllsssssss. Urgent ar.
PG… Hehehe… This is the only place I have the contact and a friend is working there
BC, it’s at Petanak area, same row as Kay & Toast, Mdm Tang’s, Chicking…
Irene, you have friend working in Planet Balloon ar? Can get cheaper or not ?
Can’t get any cheaper even have friend working there. This is also the price given by her.
Irene > ohhhh….ur surprise is sponsored meet. i thought u wanna do pole dance :p
PlatinumGirl > buy small helium gas tank from Eastern Oxygen… buy balloon… DIY yourself….
pretenders, wakaka… If only I know how to dance that dance
wahh… i missed it…
only went for the starceleb…
damm hau lian la some of them…
I think many no potential one… Very so-s0
yalor, not really potential 1 most of them. u got read their blogs??
some got pretty face.. but can’t really talk.. u shud hv seen them when they got interviewed by daniel and may wan…
well, i can’t say much about them too. i would be freaked out if i was out there myself.
Hi Pretenders,
Oh i can buy a small tank ka? I will try to ask. Do you roughly know how much it cost? Thanks for info.
Wilson, I have no time to read their blogs yet.
sure… take ur time
Very busy -.-“
irene busy learning pole dance…mwahahaha…
PlatinumGirl > price for 1 or 2 years ago is RM170 + deposit Rm300++ (refundable). Not sure whats the price now. better call them and ask.
pretenders, u stalk me!!! Hahaha…
and she was stark naked while doing it :p
pretenders… Your eyes OK or not?