Haven’t start spring cleaning… -.-“
I have no idea since when there are so many ants in my bedroom. Once I got bitten in between my fingers, I killed it of course, then I didn’t care to inspect where it came from, I saw a few more but I just let them be.
Then yesterday, while I was sitting on my bed, out of sudden I felt a sting on my neck, instinctively I press my finger there and killed an ant! &^%$#$% Bite me again! Fine that you bit in between my fingers the other day and now you are going nearer to my face! I’m going to kill you! Besides, there were quite number of them crawling around my bed and even my pillow!!! *HORROR*
I quickly told my mom and she got a packet of OK Ant Killer for me to pour it at the ants’ trail or outside the nest. WAIT! I’m not paid for this! You can get this ant killer from those China men setting up temporary stall at Kenyalang or Sunday Market. It’s quite effective according to my mom, so I poured them at all the places with lots of ants. There were 5 places in my room!! ARG!! I poured them at two corners of the window, the air-con duct, behind the study table and on the power outlet. In just few minutes, all the ants came out to carry their “food” into their nest and I manage to find where’s their nest. Goodness… Even the bigger ant, I assume it’s the queen came out to supervise but not in time to take its photo.
Here! Upclose! The ant killer looks like some biscuit crumbs don’t you think? Imagine all these crawling around you while you sleep… ARG! Seeing them make my whole body feeling itchy -.-‘ No wonder sometimes I felt some unknown stings on my body and followed by a bit of itchiness which would go away after a while, so that’s the job of these ants!
Another upclose at the other corner of the window. According to the packet, the ants will carry them into their nest and kill them in 3 days time! I saw some killed on the spot already.
They were so tiny that the photos were taken using macro mode with 2.4X optical zoom in addition with 6.0X digital zoom!
REVENGE!!! How sweet I know I’m cruel, so what!??!?
Ugh! They make my skin crawl. I use No More Ants Ant Bait Spray – works like a charm.
Katherine-Lee, got this kind of thing :p Didn’t know about it hahahaha…
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year!
wuhcing, hong pao na lai!!
Hehehe.. Happy Chinese New Year to you!
So many of ’em!!!!
Sweet revenge u called it.. haiya..
Tny, yeap.. Who ask them bite me hahaha…
this kind of ants scary lo… if get bite, then…. hahaha, last time i get bite before… till now i also remember
iCalvyn, don’t know le.. just a little sting. If many many then -.-“
hey,am interested.do u have an idea of where buy those ant killers? im having the same trouble here!! hate it!
mind to email me?
athirah, I’m not sure where my parents bought it, it’s either Sunday Market or Kenyalang from those China sellers.