Hello people! I’m still not in CNY mood! *SWEAT* Only did a bit of cleaning up. I guess this afternoon I’ll do more cleaning up. Really no mood for CNY how?!?!?!
I had been slaving myself for 3 days(2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday) in the kitchen doing this(Ghirardellie Chocolate Cookies, this chocolate comes all the way from Disneyland didn’t turn out as I expected, something missing but still can eat hahaha…), this(Cheese Curry Cookies-star, also didn’t turn out as I expected, one ingredient missing, no wonder…), this(Cheese Cookies-heart, same thing…), this(vegetarian anchovies, my first time doing it, limited stock only hahaha…) and this(as usual my seaweed twist, limited stock too).
This is my first time doing all the cookies single-handedly. Previous years, my mom would help a bit, my sis will defintely be helping and my bro will help around also but this year I did it all alone. Consider it as an achievement hahaha… But… All of them lack an ingredient so they didn’t taste as it should be.
Anyway, I’m sure many of you are very busy preparing to welcome the mouse hahaha… Take care!
I miss CNY.. I miss Kuching.. I miss reunion dinner..
HAPPY CNY! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!
whoops.. I should be reading blogs right now. My table dang messy. Happy Mousey CNY to you
*shouldn’t I mean =.= tired and blur now
happy chinese new year
Happy Chinese New Year To All Of You!!