Hehehe… What’s going on lately in blogsphere? There’s now a craze on awards!! I got an award too from Cyberpartygal. Thank you girl! You blog, you are considered a blogger! Hahaha… She’s my Ebay kaki(means fellow seller in Ebay, if you still don’t know… I also sell on Ebay just for fun hehehe… Visit my Ebay) hehehe…
So… Do I need to make a speech? Hehehe… Thank you to all of you that make it possible. Muaks… Hahaha… Now, I need to pass the award to another 5 female bloggers. Who are the five award winners?
The first one is…
Platinum Girl! Happy? Happy? I choose her becuase though she’s a new blogger but she does know her stuffs on how to optimize her blog. Keep it up!
Second one goes to Honey Star! This is another Ebay kaki… Hehehe… I’m not sure she does tag or not. Honey Star, this is for you I tell you, this girl is crazy about food! She just got back from Bali not long ago summore! Oh my… Despite all those food she’s been eating and blogging, she’s still a very pretty sexy babe!
Third, Annna! She’s our very own hottest female blogger! This girl talks about food, food, food and more food! Don’t see her so small in size, her appetite seems really big! Yet… Eat, eat, eat, never get fat one.
Here comes the fourth one, Jasmine! Hehehe… Well… What else to say? She rocks! Gets to travel everywhere, her husband is a pilot, has two adorable kids. She’s got everything a woman wants! She’s sure very lucky!
The last and final Rockin’ Girl Blogger goes to… Ann. Hehehe… My best friend. She rocks! That’s why she deserves this rocking’girl award. Also belated 1st wedding anniversary! Such a shame, as her maid of honour and her witness but totally forget about her anniversary -.-“
Done! Remember to copy this badge and paste them in your blog
hehehe Irene! Thanks for passing the love on! Keep bloggin’, keep rockin’!
Cyberpartygal, you’re welcome.
wah… thank you thank you! Hehe… *hugs award*
lux, go pass it around now
wah wah…got award somemore..tq tq…hehe
Enjoy your award jazzmint
THANKS!! huggles ^^
annna86, u’re welcome enjoy hehehe…
Wahh, i feel honored.
Btw Irene, how you know I been optimizing my site ? You been spying on me ar …..
PG, hehehe… See will know already summore you’ve talking about how to increase PR and blah blah hahaha…
Awww…thank you so much dearie
Im soooooo happy!! hehe. so wat do i do know? give it out to 5 other girl blogger?
My first blog award!!!
Honey Star, hehehe… You’re welcome. Yes… Give it our to another 5 girl bloggers.
hahaha… notti irene. going around spying people? :p
Why I spy people hahaha…
see how they optimize their website la.. spy jor, come and teach me ya
I didn’t see how she do from behind. I only see from the outside like what you see in mine *LOL*
cannot spy check ? ur stats so keng d… must teach me also
I have no idea about the stat, I just copy paste that’s all hahaha…
chey… dunno true or not..
Up to you hahaha…
ehh.. can help me optimized my blog too?
eeee… As if I’m so good. Where got that good?
ehh.. so much better than mine d le.. so clean look..
You pick clean design then will have celan look.
can i use ur template?
no ;p u go download cutline and mod it yourself