WOW! Just got one award and now another one *LOL* I think this is a way to link bait instead of using meme Hehehe… This award is presented to me by MonekyWong, our very own monkey in Sarawak! Hahaha…
Wondering what is this?
You’re eligible for this award is due to your natural ability to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection. You effortlessly weave your way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. You don’t limit your visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. You are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello – all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship. All in all, you’re a Good schmoozer!!!
Oh… I’m flattered!!! *Muah*
Can I exchange it with cash?
It’s not exchangeable with cash and no trophy either!
Congrads! U truly deserve it! And thanks to be my dear friends!
So wait no more, now it’s your turn to award 5 other bloggers with the Power of Schmooze Award! Let’s rock the blogosphere!!!
Again… I need to pass this award to another 5 bloggers…
1. bokjae He’s really a friendly blogger that treats everyone nicely and very senstive to other’s feelings.
2. Wilson, the spammer of Sweet Surrender. I don’t care! I know you don’t do this tagging thing but I want to award you with this hahahaha… This is a way to increase your traffic. Thank me! Hahaha….
3. Dani. I think you are a male? If otherwise do let me know Hehehe… His blog is quite new but he’s been giving quite good impression to many visitors and also he has this review your blog for free project going on. Keep up the good job!
4. Mark. He’s still a student, studying in Perth. Home in Kuching. Now he’s back in Kuching for holiday. I give him this award because he’s our very own Kuching kia hehehe…
5. Ben. Hehehe… This Ben knows very well on how to schmooze. Hehehe…
wahahaha…..thank you very much!!!
Mark, you’re welcome
Hehehe… Enjoy it and pass it on if you want to 
Thanks for the lovely award.. this is for all lonely guy out there…
Dani, hahaha… You’re welcome:)
oh no… i got tagged… i retagged irene…
Hehehe… You retag me also nevermind coz I’ve done it I have an excuse already
chew! i need to think think first..
won’t so fast lo.. probably 1 or 2 weeks to do that.
Who says must do a tag when got tagged? Hahaha…
not u meh? then with all this tagging thing. so much fun meh..
Hahaha… I did many but many ended here hehehe… You want it to end at your side also nvm then you will miss the opportunity to link bait hahahaha…
u starting to sound like john chow
WAH! Yeakah… so geng
of cos.. u can call urself irene chow
What for irene chow? My surname is not chow *LOL* irene law is irene law