Went to Happy Valley for lunch just now. It wasn’t planned, actually a last minute decision. Jimmy and I arrived late. We had a small bloggers gathering there, well… I would say it’s gathering with friends instead of bloggers gathering hehehe… Goodness! I was photographed by them while I was eating using their Canon DSLRs… I’m waiting for you guys to send me the photos!! Hehehe…
If you are wondering where is Happy Valley, it’s just opposite Crown Square.
Splashmilk is back in town but will go back later on. When I reached there, Rose, Paul, Gladiezz, Pazuzu and some other people that I don’t know were there too hahaha…
Let’s see what I ordered for my lunch:
Left: Ice lemon tea(RM1.80) and wheatgrass(RM2).
Right: Sweet & Sour Fried Fish Rice(RM4.00), so sour! Not nice!
Ok… What is this most photographed tortoise got to do with our gathering? Hehehe… “He” is Anna’s boyfriend!
Left: What are they doing? (Anna, Splashmilk and Allen)
Right: Taking photos of Anna’s boyfriend! Hahaha…
Hahaha… Poor tortoise… He’s so unwilling to be in front of the camera… He didn’t want to open his eyes for me Hahaha…
Very cute hoh!??!
wah rao…. so fast edi update!! Hahaha..
My bf so cute hor?? XDDDD
Me kia su! :p Hehehe…
wah…. so the cepat lar… don’t lar take pic of annna’s bf.. later annna jeles lar.. hahahaha…
Already take
Post up already for the whole world to see! Hehehe…
wah rao… so many ppl here…
now the whole world already know who’s anna’s bf liao… haha… ;p
wah… anna bf so strong..!
i jealous he got 1 strong…..
ahpaul, hahaha… yea yea… Whole world knows!
kaching, you don’t have shell hoh hahaha… what to do? You cannot compete one
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. REally GOT KAching Ching!!! WAH RAOOO…
annna likes kaching ching hahaha… $_$
of cos got kaching ching…. i come here and grab kaching ching from irene…
annna… faster grab kaching ching from irene before she hides it…
Hahaha.. My blog got kaching ching to grab meh? Hahaha…
got… i grab 10… but still haven’t claim yet..
Where? hahaha…