Remember the post yesterday? The surprise?
This… (the first picture of me looked horrible That harsh flash from the camera hahaha…)
When I said that I wanted to leave at around 10.45pm, Jason brought a cake in. It was a last minute plan by Jimmy and Jason if I’m not mistaken. They wanted to surprise me for an early birthday celebration because I don’t celebrate with friends on the actual day, I only spend my birthday with my family.
This is the first time also I was given a surprise birthday celebration by my friends. Throughout my 26 years, I’ve never celebrate with my friend, no party, nothing. It’s just like any other day. Thanks guys. I’m not surprised, I sort of sensed it already when I said that I want to leave but you two didn’t want to move at all and try to buy some more time *LOL* Anyway, thanks for it, this is the first in my life. Hehehe… At least you guys managed to make it my first surprise birthday celebration ;p
I didn’t make a wish, they tried to sing birthday song but I quickly blew the candle and cut the cake as fast as I could before they managed to finish the song hahaha… This is because I didn’t want any attention by other patrons or the management at Silhouette that night *SHY* Low key mar…
However, before we left, I think it’s the manager, she noticed our box of cake and asked us whose birthday was it hahaha… She wished me happy birthday and apologized for didn’t notice it earlier in the bar since she’s been walking up and down in there that time. So yea… My birthday post.
Usually for my birthday, I would have a post of reflections of my life but this year there’s none hehehe… I don’t know… Just not in the mood to reflect on it and very busy with work and studies and also feeling not very well, noticed that I can’t stay too long in front of the computer without getting dizzy.
What’s my wish for this year? Hmmm… I wish my prince will come and sweep me off my feet *LOL* *AHEM*
happy happy birthday irene jeh jeh..
May your prince fai fai come fetch you in his grand carriage.
All the best in love, studies, friendship, fortune, life, blogship and mostly all the best in everything you do.
Happy birthday to u…May u found ur prince soon!
Couldn’t make it when Jimmy msg-ed me … Too last min and I was still in office..
Happy Birthday? Is my wish coming too late?
LOL… Thanks everyone. No it’s not too late hahah… It’s today
happieee birthday=P
happy birthday
Happy birthday!
Your prince is on his way edi!
Rock On!
ee.. no one sms me..
tat’s why bad first pic la..
different story if got canon eos around.. LOL! jkjk
Happy budday!
Allen, I know you got new toy liao, want to show off? :p hahaha…
hey happy birthday to u!! and tat’s one greedy birthday wish…. hahaha
nic;p yea yea… very greedy *LOL*
Happy Belated Birthday T.T Last nite internet browser got problem cudn’t wish Happy Birthday in time huhuhu.. But hope you had a nice birthday moments with your family and frens ^^
OCH..happy belated irene..hahas!!sorry for da delay wor…XD…btw…u free on the tues(9/9/08) night?
Happy BIRDday! LOL
happy “butt”day
Again, thank you thank you
Happy belated B’day! =)
Thanks Cal
Hi Irene,
Happy Sweet 26!
Have a great one & many many more
happie bday irene.. sorry wor.. din noe was ur bday. =)
LOL… Why sorry?
Anyway, thanks.