Back to Adelaide’s food post. Few more to go before I’m done with it. It’s been 2 months coming back and I’m still struggling to settle down.
Anyway, back to the main topic. I was told about Chocolate Bean but couldn’t locate it until one of my friends brought me there. It’s so near to where I lived yet I couldn’t find it because it’s in the small lane. I tried locating it via Google but I’m a map and direction idiot ;p. It’s less than 5 minutes walk from my place only *LOL*
Very cosy place. Love it! It’s located at 18 Union Street East End, Adelaide.
Left: I don’t quite remember what’s this. Extremely chocolatey! It’s a bit too much for me but we’re sharing so it’s fine. It should be chocolate mud cake.
Right: Lemon cheesecake. This is nice too. Just enough to even out the chocolate mud cake sweetness.
Left: White Chocolate Tea (AUD4.50), heavenly! I LOVE IT!!! Too bad… No more chance to go anymore as I only discovered it 2 weeks before I left. I don’t know how to explain the taste but it’s not as heavy as chocolate and not as light as tea. Not too sweet too. Tasted slightly like milk tea but not milk tea. So hard to explain, you have to try it yourself to know.
Right: Dark Chocolate Tea (AUD4.50), not bad too but still prefer White Chocolate Tea.
I went there 3 times in 2 weeks! My final 2 weeks in Adelaide. Couldn’t get enough of it.
Highly recommended!
I think you asked me to visit this place once before, Irene? The bad news is that Chocolate Bean has permanently closed down. =(
Ciana, too bad…