…continue from Chapter 3: The Proposal
There are so many things that I worried about. I’m going to list them out, the responses are not his actual words, just sounded similar, impossible I can recall every single words right? These are all my worries that I “voiced” out to him during our chats and e-mails.
1. You are 13 years my senior! What will people around say? It’ll be like a father bringing a daughter out! My parents are certainly going to object! They are going to kill me for this!
Age is just a number. Don’t care about what people think, you don’t do anything wrong. Told you I looked young, don’t worry. As for your parents, that shouldn’t be a problem. I’m trained to face various challenges and this is just one that I need to go tru’. I’m sure they will not object. Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.
2. Worst! You’re a pilot! I heard my parents lamented before that pilots are playboys. How are they going to accept you!?!?
Don’t stereotype! We all know there are pilots who are playboys. There are even school teachers who are playboys. You don’t judge a person based on his/her job. I’m not like them. I don’t do such silly things that will put my health and career in jeopordy. I can convince them.
3. You smoke! This is enough for them to not like you! I’m very sensitive to cigarette smoke also. I could even sneeze for days when exposed to it, it irritates my nose. You said that you don’t want to jeopordize your health but you smoke! How am I going to live under one roof with you? You will make me sick!
I quit. I just went cold turkey when I was in Perth having a drink with my friend. I asked him for a stick and realised that I no longer like it and I don’t smoke since then.
4. You are always away from home. If I’m working, I might not be able to spend time with you. When you’re home, I’ll be out working; when I’m home, you’ll be out working. It’s not like you are flying to any place near, your routes require nigthstops, you don’t fly and come back on the same day. How?
You don’t have to work. I can pay for all your expenses. I will be bringing you along to work. I have my own suite when we reach the destination, you will be sharing the suite with me. Since you did mention before that you want to be an air-stewardess and you are not qualified, I’m going to make your flying dream come true. You will fly with me, we will travel the world together. You will experience the life of flying except my colleague will be serving you instead of you serving the passengers.
5. Travel with you? WOW! But… It’s not possible as I don’t think I can apply for so many leaves. I want to have my own career also, I don’t want to depend on you too much. I know you can afford it, I don’t have to worry about where will our next meal come from but I don’t want to be a parasite.
(That was last time hahaha… I wanted to be successful businesswoman, making tonnes of money but over time I found out that I don’t, it’s not my cup of tea. I hate the typical hours of working. I want to be as free as possible, I want to work at my own pace, my own time, my own style. I want something relaxing and can make money at the same time like blogging hahaha…)
You can have your own career by venturing into writing since you like to write a lot. You can do it anytime, anywhere. All you need is laptop and Internet. You can do it.
But… My writing is bad! I cannot write professionally. Sure will be people’s laughing stock.(If only there’s such thing as paid posts back then hahaha…)
I believe you can.
(See… See… He had made his point and that’s what I’m doing now *LOL*)
6. But… When children come, I can’t travel with you anymore. You are going to leave me alone to tend to the children and you are seldom at home. I can’t do it on my own.
I’m planning for early retirement. I want to go back to Australia and raise our children there. I believe in quality time instead of quantity. The average couples might have a lot of time to be with each other and their families but mostly they take it for granted. Quantity is not important, the quality is.
There are some more but I can only recall these for the time being. To be continued…
wow.. if only there’s a guy that would say that to me *faints*
ahlost, yealo.. I tell you any girl will fall for him hahaha… Where else can I find someone who can say this to me hahaha…
y all the girl will fall? they all like to pokkai….?
What is pokkai? As far as I know pokkai is bankrupt. Don’t make sense to me hahaha…
well, it means fall in cantonese…
its like a fairy tale =)
Kaching, fall… I see… Hehehe…
Pink Cotton, hahahaha… Too bad… Fairy tale doesn’t last.
hey irene.Why worry too much??He’s serious so go ahead lah
Dont worry about what other people will say.What matters is how you feel.If you like him and you trust him,so i guess there no obligation. 
Oh,by the way,whats GSC?Pardon my ignorance ..hehehe
Hehehe… Pat, I did go ahead with him but… It didn’t mean to be. God took him away from me. Anyway, it’s left memories now. GSC is Golden Screen Cinema!
hehe…i thought it is about the present
Nope hehehe… WOW if it’s present then you will be seeing me blogging about all those high class hotel suites and my travel posts hehehe… How I wish… hehehe…
irene… faster la nxt part
Wait la…
dun potong stim like tiuniaseng enuf can d…
Still thinking of how to write… Hmm…