…Continue from Chapter 2: Missing In Action
We started to chat about personal stuffs and get to know more about each other. I did told him that I think I had a crush on him too! *LOL* He’s cool with that. He told me to e-mail him if I missed him, he said that he loved to read my mails. I didn’t really take it seriously because it’s just a crush and I’m sure he was just playing along.
One day(I think is after CNY), we had a chat on MSN(not actual conversation, just sounded this way)…
Me: How much you make as a pilot? What’s your salary? (*LOL* I’m so kaypo don’t you think? Hahaha…)
He: Why do you want to know?
Me: Just curious ;p
He: Basic income is S$(I can’t remember the actual figure, converted to MYR is 6-figure) per annum, add on with allowances that can go up to S$(I can’t remember the actual figure, converted to MYR is 5-figure), deduct the taxes and I’m left with S$(I can’t remember the actual figure, converted to MYR is 6-figure).
Me: WAH!
He: I don’t simply tell people how much I’m making except some of my friends and my family.
Me: WOW! You told me, then I can consider myself very lucky.
He: You want to marry me?
Me: HUH!?!?! Marry you?*So shocked and happy, got people propose to me!* I’m not even your gf and you’re asking me to be your wife?!?!?
He: Com’on, want to my girl? I know you want to.
Me: Errmmm… I do have a crush on you but that doesn’t mean I love you. Summore you are so much older than me…
He: I don’t look that old, many people thought that I’m still in my twenties, I have baby face. Don’t worry. Who knows people might even say that you are older than me HAHAHA…
Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeee… Hahahaha… I can’t make up my mind… I have feelings for you but I’m not sure it’s real or just a crush. Besides that, you’re in Singapore. I dare not to commit into this kind of relationship.
He: Singapore is so near. It’s only less than 2 hours flight from Kuching. You got daily direct flight also, I can afford to pay your flights, you get to stay in my condo also. There’re also MSN, e-mail and telephone. Why worry?
Me: Errr… -.-‘ Since I do have feelings for you and you ask me to be your girl… How about you be my cyber-bf!(come to think of it now, it’s rather childish hahaha…)
He: Ok… We’ll be open to each other and share everything with each other, we will get to know each other better in no time! The advantage we have compare to normal couples is that we actually interact more than them.
Me: We will see by then, if it goes well then I might consider to be your real gf. If you do find someone in the process, I’ll be happy to let you go.
He: Do e-mail me as much as you can, I love to read your love letters!
Me: Those mails you considered as love letters?!?!?
He: Yes.
Me: *In cloud 9 already* OK… I will e-maill you as much as I can until your mailbox burst!
We started to share about ourselves such as the expectations in a relationship, what we like and dislike, worries, told me his stories etc. online via MSN and e-mail. I’m still not convinced because I’m worry, there are so many things to worry about.
To be continued…
A piece of advice.. (if you bother to bother).. Never start what you are unsure off..
You might find it hard to get out off..
btw, 6 figure huh?? should have went to flying school.. *damn*
can’t wait for the next part…
cdason, hehehe… 6 figures… To earn this money in one year is impossible for most of us hahaha… However, for their hard work, they do deserve it. Don’t worry, next time ask your son to aim to be a pilot hahaha…
Still thinking of how to write *LOL*
6 figure… that two mummy blogger already earning that.
we, half of 5 figures also susah..
another box of tissue used up…
faster get part 4 up.. i go buy tissues now
Kaching hahaha… So fast oooo…
wah pilot.. *dreams dreams*
6 figures *dreams dreams*
when is the next part cmg out?? hou kan chiong arrr
Hehehe… Soon
but don’t know when yet :p still composing…
faster ya… we all waiting d..
No time for it yet… so many things need to do…