For the first time I’m late in updating an event ;p
Anyway, I got an invitation to cover Celcom X-Play Party at Paragon, Travillion, Kuching, on Friday night. I had an exam the next day and was struggling to complete my revision but decided to drop by the party to cover the event.
Left: Celcom booth setup outside of Paragon.
Right: Was there early, it stated that it will start on 9.30pm so I reached there around that time with my sis and there wasn’t many people yet. That explains this photo ;p Was given with VXP pass aka the VIP, I heard we were given with free flow of Heineken but yours truly don’t drink so the other VXPs got more to drink ;p You people better thank me for the extra drinks hahaha… I heard they were all quite drunk that night hahaha…
Still early… “X” everywhere!
Still sober…
Warming up…
Busy camwhoring with my sis and Amiey. Triplets? Hehehe…
With Eve and Angel.
Some photos here were “stolen” from the other VXP ;p Thanks hahaha…
YO! It’s party time!!! The free flow Heineken. Bliss… Right? Right? Right?
I didn’t take many photos of the crowd and they all turned out bad, wrong camera setting. That night was a blast!
The two DJs performed which is DJ Monkey and DJ Funkzu. Hehehe… Don’t remember who is who. They were great!
Shawn Lee, the world no 9th BeatBoxer was there to perform but no photos to share.
Silas the MC, he was all purple that night. I almost couldn’t recognize him with such dressing.
That’s all about the party. I didn’t stay long because I had to go back to study.
Did you X-Play?
Hi Irene, looks very exciting. I bet you had fun too.
And dressed in your designer dress too, I bet.
Have a great week, keep well, Lee.
Uncle Lee, it was a fun night. I thought of wearing a dress but for practicality purpose, I ended up with a tube, a vest, and a pair of jeans. Can’t afford any designer clothing though ;p
Interesting. So is your phone number 019 now?
willie, you don’t have to be 019 to be Celcom subscriber ;p hehehe…
Maxis rules!
best nyer party2..wish i’m 20 years younger..haha
Gallivanter, hehehe…
lvynana, as long that you stay young in your heart.
*jealous* *sad* I didn’t go that night coz I only found out bout it the next day after that
Anyway, I can see it’s a awesome party 
Hangover? XD
Rodz, there will be more
Biopolymath, didn’t drink how to hangover ;p