Still can’t accept Paypal payments Kept getting Paypal e-mails asking me to accept those payments but how to accept?!?!? You don’t let me, how am I going to accept? *ANGRY*
I know I’ve been writing a lot of paid posts lately hehehe… So sorry… The money is too good to resist. Besides, I’m lacking of things to blog too. Oh! This is NOT a paid post.
As you know, I’m one of the privileged ones to be given the first Advertlets ad. Now I have another ad. Both are random. For almost a month already and I have 3 figures in my account(see the pic, guess how much I have in there? :P). Oh ya…. I need to donate RM50 to Yvonne Foong. It’s quite fast compare to the other one which I was allocated with 1 ad before and now second one is here but both only last for one week and only making a mere 1 figure income from them hahaha… I’m lucky that I’m one of those that have 2 ads display simultaneously from two different companies.
I’m NOT taking sides. When there’s something interesting to write, I will just write regardless of which company they are. It just happened that I don’t have anything to write about for the other company because there is nothing for me to write about them. They have an event coming up but it’s not related to me.
I’m just one of the bloggers that want to earn some $$ from my blog. You know I’m very moneyface Advertlets claims that they practice targeted ad display. The poll will help them allocate suitable ad for your blog. However, many people misunderstood that they must complete the poll to get ad. I myself still need 6 more polls but I’m already allocated with 2 ads now even at the begining I only had about 30+ polls submitted from my site.
I know many people still do not have ad in their site but Advertlets promises that whoever sign up as members, properly installed the code and fill in necessary fields in their account, a proper blog will get ad starting from 24th May.
Back to the main topic. According to Josh, Advertlets only have less than 100 Advertlets Bloggers from East Malaysia. OMG! So little!! Where’s all my blogger friends? Where are you? Got money to earn you also don’t want? Aiyooo… At least the money can help maintain your blog, your domain name and hosting. Advertlets might have a few campaigns specifically for us in East Malaysia provided we have enough bloggers from East Malaysia to sign up to speed up the campaigns. If there are too few of us like now, less than 100 -.-” Gosshh… It will take quite a while for us to enjoy the privileges. You know how frustrating is that when West Malaysians always got the cool stuffs but we East Malaysians are always those that being left behind. So pathetic.
According to Josh’s e-mail:
…if you were to display an ad relevant to East Malaysia in general (where you are – a business, product, service, event or job opportunity) – you would get paid more for that than usual, as the advertisers message reaches more geographically relevant people.
Here’s something more also:
We have managed to attract the interest of an advertiser, who plans to advertise a relatively big series of lifestyle events on your blogs, sometime around June, in East Malaysia. The event will happen in both Sabah AND Sarawak. Fingers crossed, besides giving you a relevant ad to show on your blogs, we will also negotiate for free passes for all of you, and some of you will get paying review/blogvertorial opportunities of the event (before and after the event).
AISEH MAN! Damn cool!
NO! Josh doesn’t pay me for this. I’m doing this for myself! Actually, I have a motive behind this post OK? *LOL* Seriously, I DO! Hey, if this works, I will get the benefits, you will also get benefits from it! Got it? That’s my motive. *Hint hint to Josh* Eh… I’m getting paid for this or not? Joking…