Sis came back for CNY and brought a whole luggage of chocolates! She checked in 2 luggage, the biggest luggage consisted of chocolates and small one her stuffs. Imagine how many she brought back.
This is one very interesting tin of chocolates, Mingles. Huge tin, whole tin of mint chocolate with 5 variants.
Left: Dark chocolate with fondant mint centre.
Right: Milk chocolate mint crisp.
Left: Solid milk and white chocolate with a hint of mint. This is the sweetest of all.
Right: Dark chocolate month crisp.
Left: Milk chocolate with dark mint truffle centre.
Overall, I like all of them all equally. The minty taste is pretty strong too. Don’t know how to rate them one by one. I don’t think you can find it in Malaysia. This is from the UK.
Hello Irene, I have always loved this candy… favourite are those Penang coconut candy.
A friend just returned from Penang brought some for me. Enjoying it.
Have fun and keep well, Lee.
Hi Uncle Lee, coconut candy, I love them too but haven’t seen them for ages.
I ADORED these chocolates for many years! I was gutted to find out that we won’t be having any for Christmas this year as they were discontinued in 2011 🙁
K., oh… I see… That’s too bad.
Bring back these so wanted tin of beauty PLEASE MINGLES ALL THE WAY
So unfortunate that it’s discontinued.