All the photos here were taken with Canon 1000D and Sigma 18-200mm lens. No internal flash or speedlight. The lens got no IS and I got no tripod, my hand shaked a lot! I could only survive with continuous shoots and taken more than 700 photos(if I can recall correctly) and then deleted about 200+ of them on the spot to clear the memory card, then came home filtered again and all I can say is that only 20% or less are OK, the rest all not OK(this benchmark is my own, not according to the pro ;p).
Managed to finish up one battery pack ;p Don’t even ask me what kind of settings I used, I only know I’m using the AV mode and simply adjusted here and there without knowing what I’m adjusting and zooming in and out.
This is my first time handling a DSLR throughout the event with no help. Virgin DSLR experience hahaha…
Zunyi Acrobatics Troupe in Kuching for two days performing at Kuching South City Hall (MBKS) Stadium. Got the tickets free, the tickets were given free to public anyway.
Went to watch it with my family 2 nights ago. Got very “good” spot! We’re late, all the good spots had been taken so we sat area at the backstage. Who to blame? Shouldn’t blame us.
The emcees were very “professional”, they didn’t even bother about the audience at my area. They only interact with the front, left and right. I think less than 3 times they even look over at our direction! Even the performances too. Sigh… So… What you see mostly are people’s butts. *LOL*
Let’s just see photos…
After beating the drums, they started to dance.
So many photos taken and this performance got the most of the good photos because of the lighting(I guess…) and also because they didn’t move much. Not only that, less butts facing us.
Many butts here! Hahaha… They were doing stunts with hats.
This even worst! Almost 98% of the time we looked at their butts.
This one less butts but hard to take photos. Too many jumping up and down. I thought they were mouse but actually they were ants!
This performance is nice but the lightings were bad! Almost all of the photos were screwed. Even I resized till so small the quality is still bad.
Quite a stunt. Managed to take quite a number of OK photos.
Totally screwed! Too dark for anything, movement too fast too.
This is very fast too but at least bright enough.
I didn’t take two of the performances namely the magic performance and juggling. All show butts! Even if not showing butts, just turn to our direction for less than 3 seconds or turining movement too fast for the juggling.
That’s all. Enjoy the photos.
You can see some slightly bigger version of the photos in
So nice… You are lucky to have such opportunity to watch the show…
How I wish I can be there too..
SL, I didn’t expect to be able to go, in fact was kinda lazy to go, since got free tickets so just go.
eee.. u got new dslr ka?
No le… I don’t think I want to have one, it’s very hard to bring around -.-” Unless I always have events to cover else a digital camera will do.
Canon EOS 1000D not D1000
Hahaha… I always mixed up ;p
i watched such show in last december too
kinda impressed by their oh-so-flexible-won’t-break body
Yea… Very impress with their skills.
very colorful
Very colourful but not camera friendly hahaha…