In fact, I really run out of things to blog Hehehe… Then I went tru’ my photo archive, I found this photos that I took many months ago but always forget to blog about it because there were always things to blog about. Someone was curious and bought these condoms to see how they looked like and smelt like. *LOL*
OK… It’s just an educational post, don’t worry about it.
There were 6 flavours namely strawberry, chocolate, orange, mint, grape, and lemon. Which one do you like? *LOL* These are flavoured condoms, that’s why I called it yummydom, yummy or not, I don’t know because I didn’t put it in my mouth hahaha… I smelt it though and EWWW… I don’t like the smell, very sickening hahaha… I almost puked. I only smelt the chocolate one, it’s enough to make me sick hahaha…
I’m not sure what kind of brand is that and I’m not sure how safe it is. My advise is that buy something realiable. It looks and smells fancy enough but no idea how fancy it will mess you up
Oh… Don’t ask me how it feels using it. I’ve never done it and I don’t have that thing because I’m a girl and also I do not support pre-marital sex, thank you very much.
When I look at the topic, I thought you wanna post up some junk food entry.. But who knows.. condoms *LOL*
the boxes there got “Free” sticker.. Free what ah?
LOL… I have no idea le… Let me check… LOL!! FREE Gilette Razor!!
Ask ppl to shave before do hahaha…
i’m saying this randomly arrr… dun come flame me kaw kaw..
imagine got pizza flava, fried chicken, fried mee, etc.. even got like McDo ice cream flava ka.. A&W root beer flava ka…
Afterall, there is such Durian flava in the market!
Annna, lol… I’m sure there are many flavours out there hahahaha… Just that whether it will smell/taste really nice or really bad hahaha…
LOL! yummydom.. sounded like u love the flava! LOL!
the chocolate one.. not nice to use. LOL! just like other flavored dommies.. LOL.. the smell is pretty strong lar..
Eh.. you bought so many packets ah? LOL!
allen, you tried before? LOL… No lar…. Not me buy one hahaha… sombody bought it due to curiousity hahaha…
somebody.. hehe.. protect the privacy ka? LOL
i didn’t say i tried before wor.. LOL!
wat flavour irene like ha? wakakka..
lol! very cool
where to buy??lol
i have a friend who like to collect those nice looking,colorful condoms…and shes a girl
Pink Cotton, ur friend? i tot is u… last time saw u got “choco-condom” leh… wakakakaa
jimmy, irene doesn’t like any of them, yuck…
pinkcotton, bought online
Luckily din have durian flavour!!!Hahahaha…
got durian flava le.. go .. LOL she blogged bout it.. LOL
pink cotton likes pink one.. i think. LOL!
pinkcotton likes chocolate one
chocolate yuckkkkkkkkkk
jimmy also know chocolate ones yuck meh?