How many times do you come across news that people’s houses’ got break into? It’s getting on everybody’s nerves! We are no longer safe in our own house. What are the police doing nowadays? Busy catch snakes? Busy drinking coffee? Or we just don’t’ have enough police? Or people are getting so desperate to make a living due to price hike in almost everything.
Most houses now are installed with home security system. No one wants to take the chances of being tied up and robbed or got their houses burglarized when no one’s home.
Found this one product that is very interesting, Finger Print Door Lock. What happened if you are injured or severed your finger? Then you’ll be lock out of your own house *WICKED LAUGH* Do you think our burglars are so high tech by fabricating our fingerprints and used it to access our house? Nuh… Don’t think so, if they are, I don’t think they will do something as “cheap” as this. Hmm… Unless they want to break into our PM’s house or some high profile people’s houses. Hahaha… It will definitely deter them from entering your house or why not use a much easier way? Go in via the windows. Afraid of that? Then install fake cameras to trick them that they are being monitored or recorded but then… On second thought, why go fake? Go REAL! Duh… Such as Hidden Camera.
Ok… Let’s get back to some serious notes, when is this going to end? Don’t think it will be any sooner. Instead, it will get more and more serious. Therefore, to protect your properties and your family, do invest in proper security system, beware of your surroundings and get to know your neighbours so that everyone can help to keep an eye on each other houses. What I have in mind is that, it could be due to the mentality nowadays that we tend to mind our own business unlike 10 over years ago where everyone practically knew each other in the neighbourhood. It’s not surprising that there are now cases where the neighbours thought that their neighbour is moving out, that’s why a big truck is there to carry their stuffs but it turned out that those are the bad guys! Scary not?
hehe, i’m clicking on the links so u make some $$$. Just remember you owe me a drink one of these days
Hahhaha… You click my Adsense?
Thank you very much. I’m so $$$ face these days, so many ads in my blog. Will come out with a post about all these ads.
On our last trip to malaysia (may-june 06) my wifes purse was stolen out of her parents home near Kota Sentosa while we were sleeping. They pried the rivets out of the window and lifted the window out of the wall. They still couldnt get in because of the bars on the window but they then used a long stick to try and grab things from the house. They also tried to pry open the front door but thank god they couldnt get it all the way open.
All they got was her purse. They stole about 400 RM, a 4 megapixel digital camera,and a 512 memory card. The bad thing was it had a lot of our photos on it that can not be replaced.
The funny thing is that they left her passport, credit cards, and her U.S. greencard on the road in front of the house. I am so glad because it took a lot of work to get the greencard(permanent resident card) for her.
Jay… OMG… Glad that you guys weren’t tied up and threatened. Good thing the important documents were not taken away. It’s very unsafe nowadays. Gone are the safe and peacedul days. Sad…