Streamyx is having problem again. Sigh… Just quick update for now. Hopefully it will be back to normal later. On Celcom now, my life saver even though it’s not very good.
Vono Instant Soup, I’ve been having this for some breakfast lately. It’s quick and easy to prepare. I’m pretty lazy in some morning, this is my breakfast. Bought 4 boxes at RM10+ few weeks back, it came with a free mug.
Just boil 150ml of water or just use the mug to measure as there’s a line to indicate the water level needed for the instant soup. Boil the water, pour into the mug with the instant soup powder, stir quickly. As simple as that.
Which one I like most? I prefer the one with cheese. I dislike the one with chicken.
I know this is not a very healthy breakfast ;p Don’t really care, it’s not like I’m having it everyday.
at least this got 65% like the one in the packaging hehe
In Malaysia, a person is mainly charactrised by his/her race. Even political parties be it ruling or opposition are race based. The race of a person will determine which school,what job, etc that he or she will be heading. The whole scenerio just prevent assimilation. I wrote an article comparing the definition of multi racial both in the context of Malaysia and Australia last night. Maybe you will be interested to have a look.
William, yea… Read it.