I know some of you are waiting for this, fashion show from Xixili. This show can be considered the climax. How often can you get show like this in Kuching right?
Thank goodness class was canceled!
Before the show, there were two Q&A games and I managed to win something. The place was later filled up and could see lots of cameras, from big to small, from DSLRs to camera phones.
However, it wasn’t as packed as I had expected. So it’s a good news and I could take photos in peace.
I was curious on how they were going to show the lingerie, as you know… It’s something intimate, not like swim wears which are for show.
Showcasing it on the runway like this in a small town like this is something that might be “too much” for certain people. When they came out, I was quite impressed on how they managed to showcase the lingerie.
They managed to cover up what is supposed to be covered and at the same time, showing off the lingerie. It’s quite a clever way. If I didn’t mention it, do you notice how they cover up? I only realised it when I filtered my photos ;p
I might head over to Xixili when I’m in the mood and with the money to splurge one day. Would love to get some fancy bras *LOL*
Anyway, we’ll see… Hmm… Dear… Buy me a set will ya? ;p I guess you rather see me naked than wearing anything *LOL*
Hope you all enjoy the photos even though my photos’ colours are quite bad. I didn’t manage to get any nice setting for it so I didn’t bother and just shoot with whatever settings I was on.
Hey Irene,
Eh I didnt find anything wrong with the colors leh ahahah they look natural.
This is quite interesting, coz you wont even find those lingerie shows in KL. I have only come across one swim wear show by speedo, and even so that was all pretty much covered.
Robin, thanks
I’m not really satisfied with the colours. When I was shooting there, I heard the ppl from Xixili HQ mentioned that they had a show at The Gardens the day before this show in Kuching coz they stood next to me ;p. They came all the way from KL to catch this show *LOL*
It is really tastefully done, and I’m surprised as well. I’m one for the bare-all method, and at moments like this really hate those sakai people. Oh well…
This is creative though. ^_^
oh dear.. since when kuching has this kind of fashion show? this is awesome!!! it makes me miss kuching :p
some of the stockings they wear may be obviously meant to cover up, but some could be genuinely part of the fashion… stockings are a very common ladies’ item in cold weather like fall/winter/spring.
but.. nice lingeries… hot models!!
Ann, it’s indeed tastefully done.
Hadi, hehehe… That’s why… Rare opportunity. Those stockings were really a good way to cover up and at the same time also as a fashion like you mentioned.
nothing much to comment, i WISH to hug them ! especially the one with all in “red”, she is the best model for me.
Lee, hoho… That’s the one that looks like a doll ;p No wonder you want to hug.
We should have such fashion show here, what era is it now!! Those models look pretty decent and I believe, they try to tunedown a bit. Show less flesh! :p Good beginning for such fashion show!!
Rose, there was swimsuits show before during the opening of tHe Spring. At least this one is lingerie not swimsuits hehehe…
Hey I’ve got sexy Models for you!!! Drop by there and see!
Hehehe… Don’t have le ;p
Sexy ahlost ;p
Am still like the fashion from the first set of your photos! Simple, tidy and clean. And most importantly, nice for eyes, hehe!
I prefer the first set too.
i shot sloggi in sg wang before.
that was last august, i think.
Hehehe… Hmm… But never see u post one…