Late birthday dinner for my bro as his birthday was in his exam week. My mom suggested to dig tru’ My Privilege Book to see whether there is any offer can be used or not. My bro and I flipped tru’ the whole thing and decided on Taipei 101 because we’ve never been there and the food type is the type that my dad can accept.
The drinks are very reasonable and very huge glass, luckily only ordered two glasses. Even just two glasses were enough to take quite a while to finish. Ordered Lemon Lime Juice(RM3) and Red Sour Plum Red Tea(RM3).
Left: 3 Layer Pork with Rice (RM6)
Right: Taiwan Dry Noodle (RM3.50), the Chinese name is funny, it’s called “Stupid Noodle” ;p Just basic noodle.
Left: Taiwanese Stewed Beef Noodle (RM6)
Right: Sesame Oil Chicken Mee Sua (RM6)
Left: The chili oil with hint of sweet aroma but it’s not sweet at all. Very sipcy.
Right: The contacts on the menu.
My dad quite like this place. I think we might go back once in while. To me, it’s just another place serving another Chinese food. *LOL* What to do? Not really a Chinese food fan.
It’s located at RH Plaza, same row as EON Bank. You can even see Four Points from the glass window.
Many people complaint about the menu last time because there’s no translation in English but now the menu is in dual-language.
That night we only spent RM21+ after the 15% birthday month discount found in My Privilege Book.
The Taiwanese Stewed Beef Noodle (RM6)
and Sesame Oil Chicken Mee Sua (RM6), i think is little expensive lo. The 3 Layer Pork with Rice looks alright.
Jojo, hmm… A bit pricey indeed.
yeah, ho chai i didn go try
Hahaha… Actually it’s OK… Got discount summore so it’s fine.
I’ve never been there but I heard the food there is okay
Since it’s close to home we frequent there, but like most people said, the food is just alright. I was one of the few who was initially outraged by their All-Chinese menu.
They wizened up.
At least it’s edible ;p