Hehehe… See the new layout! Bye bye design number 8(picture on the left). I decided to implement it now. I can’t stand the messy sidebar of my previous layout anymore.
After months of modifications, finally it’s out! There are some glitches that I need to resolve but not much. Welcome to the brand new layout of Sweet Surrender! Enjoy your stay!
Going to update it to v9.0 hehehe… The 9th design. Usually I changed my layout once a year but this year this is my second change. This will last till next year end maybe…
Will still be tinkering around the layout until I’m satisfied with it. After this is done, I’ll try to upgrade my WordPress version.
Nice blog here, Irene. Very good info on Sarawak.
yer.. so nice.. envy envy… i also want to change !!
Lil’ Ms Pinky, hehehe… Welcome
ahlost, paul knows how le
You ask him teach u haha…
wah? since when i become expert~ tsk tsk~
Hahaha… You know how already hehehe… Hehehe… So expert lo.
i also wan to learn from sifu irene…
can i pai pai U..?
Kaching, you more expert than me lo… Hahaha…
It looks clean and nice!
I wwant a clean clean look hahaha… Thats’ why have to do many modifications hehehe… Thanks
How do you modify your design? Do you use some software or just do it manually??
cdason… she is sifu la.. of cos manual..
she haven’t write the software yet..
i not expert… i beginner nia
csadon, no software… Just open up Notepad and change the codes, change the colour, change the pictures remove whatever that I don’t want etc. The structure is maintain, just change the CSS
aiya.. me also the same la..
Irene so expert la.. btw.. ur blog no more PPP ka??
seems like soo little already!
Still have PPP, just that I didn’t put the badge out anymore and it’s been ages I don’t write any PPP, nothing to take anymore with this stupid Google PR thing and the segmentation thing in PPP.
ahahaha… i also wanna remove d.. haven’t go time to do that..
I don’t get any opp in there anymore sigh…
same here… so long never taken anything from there.
luckily still got others that can do…
Me, even others also kinda slow down…
lol… what the world is coming too…
what to do? Jiak kaki
i got new template too… ahahaha… not this… the other one… u know which one right…
No ar… didn’t visit it for almost a week already *LOL* Not been blog hopping for almost a week too.