KL and Genting! I’m coming tomorrow!! The long awaited holiday…
Ok… Let’s go back to today’s topic. Went to collect my Sushi King Card on Sunday as when I was there, it’s out of stock.
This whole package consist of the card, the calender and the two Japanese tea cups. Aren’t the cups very cute? Hehehe… Kawaiii ne~ This whole thing cost me RM15 and the card is only valid for one year.
Let me see… When will I be using the card? Not in KL… I’m not going to KL to eat something that we can in find Kuching hahaha… Unless there’s no more place to eat except this. Definitely will use it at The Spring but MFM(Manhattan Fish Market) will be my priority when I’m there.
I advise u go other places like TGIF or jogoya better if budget permit. Ask anak datuk to bring u there lar. Or not go teluk gong for seafood fest!
babyfiona, hahaha… I’m planning to go to TGIF, I want to go to Jogoya also but… No one wants to go hahaha… Besides, just had Japanese food few days back and have RM50 Genki Sushi voucher summore, so no point to spend on Japanese food again *LOL*
Enjoy yourself in KL and Genting yo! I just came back. LOLz.
P/S: Jogoya not only serves Japanese food wei. Damn nice! =D
SilverIsle, hahaha… But no one wants to go… What to do?
who don’t want to go jogoya?
i wan to go jogoya….
Jimmy doesn’t want… So no need lo…