Pretty tired today… Just a quick update.
Showing you some set meals that you can get from Sugar Bun hahaha… Had this few weeks back with my family. The meat quality was very disappointing, it was dry and small. I noticed that there’s no consistency in their chicken. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it bad.
Anyway, enjoy the very yellowish photos of chicken and fist fillet set meal.
i miss the fist fillet set meal the last time i ate was in kenyalang when i was in primary school….lol how much ar now? RM7 something?
Don’t remember how much, between RM7-9 hahah…
those fish fillet that type of fry color mostly coldstorage one. not freshy. hehe
hahaha.. of course cold storage one
If fresh one won’t be priced like this hahaha…
yaho…eh, that day on the way back from work, i saw the shop called “Chilax” open. seldom open one that shop. near Pizza Junction (the way to jln song)
jojo, yea.. chilax only open whenever the owner likes it LOL… No fixed opening time one. So you have to give them a call before you go *LOL*
yeah heard of that. look very nice from the outside. you been there before?
irene link me link me
Never go there hahaha…