Tomorrow will be actual day of Qing Ming. However, we went there on last Saturday. Many people went there last Saturday as last Sunday was flagged as a bad day for many people to visit the graves so most went on last Saturday. Here’s a quick update of last Saturday’s visit.
When the sun came out… I didn’t bring my camera, it’s taken with my phone.
Something new this year. Interesting…
Some flowers bought by my cousins.
These were bought by my parents.
So that’s all… Enjoy your weekend.
Lastly… We have new prime minister, Najib. Wish us Malaysians all the best. *roll eyes*
didn’t buy Astro and its decoder? Hehehe..
Pretty flowers btw 😉
yaya.. “”””wish”””” malaysian all the best
wow!! I’ve never seen such a sunrise before! So pretty…
Btw, nowadays mia “gifts” very unique ehh..
ahlost, hehehe… Yealo… No we buy one ;p We only buy our own flower, the rest all in charge by my aunt.
jessica, ;p
annna, yea… very nice. Everyone saw it also “WOW”. Hehehe… Those gifts very special, ipod, computer all got hahaha…
Every year got new “inventions”… they must be quite amused also, got new things every year. Only Astro decoder don’t have yet. 🙂
Hahaha… Yealo… Pretty amusing really.
went last saturday too, when burn the papercrafts, the smoke makes me cry.
Hahaha.. I stood far far away.